"You should go out with Scott." I slammed my head into the table.

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April 7, 1998

Scott asked me out again. Actually, he didn’t really, but everyone else has been asking for him, and I just laugh, avoiding the question. I definitely don’t like like Scott, but he is okay as a friend, and I really don’t want to hurt his feelings.

Zach was assigned to sit at my table in Library Skills class. Our knees were brushing constantly. I don’t think he noticed. Ryan came over and said, “You should go out with Scott.” I slammed my head into the table. Zach started laughing.

Then it was time to go to our next class and Zach followed me out of the library, saying, “You should go out with him.”

I said, “Fuck you, Zach.” He said, “No, fuck you.” I rolled my eyes. “Why don’t you go fuck Steph?” He said, “I’m so pissed off at her!” I brightened up. “Really?” He nodded vigorously.

While we were walking up the stairs, I said, “Hey, will you imitate Cartman?” Cartman is his favorite character from South Park, and he does a great imitation of him. He said, “No, Kitty, it’s my chicken pot pie. It is mine.” I started laughing - he sounds exactly like Cartman! [Not that I would know, really. I wasn’t allowed to watch South Park.]

In Science, we had a substitute teacher, and Tyler came over and sat with me. Michelle came over, too. Tyler and I were reliving memories from when we were in the same Art class. All of his folders are covered in notes from me.

We have a weird friendship. He always says to Jenna in this weird voice, “Emily is my friend. Aren’t you, Emily?” And I nod and say, “Of course, Tyler. We’re best friends.” And then we both start laughing. [I have to agree - it certainly does sound like a weird friendship.]

I told Tyler that I like Nathan, but I kind of like him, too. And Zach, a teensy, weensy bit.

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