Everyone just thinks I'm a slut and I hate it.

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August 4, 1998.

I've been at overnight camp with Alicia and I forgot to bring my diary with me. Now that I'm home, Jenna has called. She went to sloppy second base with Erin's big brother, and she is very excited about that. She wouldn't listen to anything I said about camp. It's hard to readjust to her shallowness.

["Sloppy second base" was a step up (?) from regular old second base, which involved a boy touching a girl's breasts. Sloppy second meant he had put his mouth on her breasts which, apparently, could get sloppy.]

I don't know what to do. And I don't know what to do about it. And I don't know how to do it. I talked to Nathan two nights ago when I got home, and he said he'd call the next morning but he didn't. And he didn't call the rest of the day, and he didn't call today, either.

Something has got to be up, but I don't know what to do about it. I wish my life was like it was at camp, where everyone liked me and respected me and nobody hated me or sneered at me.

I was popular at camp. And I used to be popular at home, too. I know how it feels to be popular. But I'm not popular anymore and everyone just thinks I'm a slut and I hate it.

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