Chapter One - Second Thoughts

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Lestat's night is about to get interesting when he realizes that hunger isn't the only thing planned for him tonight. Will he do what he always does and just brush it off....or will he give in to temptation and risk having second thoughts?

Lestat's POV

As the sun slowly began to fade away from the sky, my eyes began to flutter open. It was that time again, time to rise and greet the world. 

I slowly began to loosen the bolts on the coffin until the lid gave in and I was free. No mere mortal could have the strength to lift such a thing. We like it that way because it keeps us undetected from mortal presence while we sleep in our slumber.

As my feet hit the cobblestone floor of the cemetery, I started to crack my neck and stretch out my legs as I slowly exited the coffin. After finally getting my bearings, I made my way into the night. The cool air felt nice against my skin. I was in a little small town in Indiana. I figured it would be nice to get away for awhile. I needed to take a break from the big cities. 

 When I finally started to make way into the center of the town, my eyes began to wonder. I thought I would be okay for awhile. Maybe I could explore the town's markets (at least the ones that are open) and do a bit of browsing. I remember there's always this one market stall on Hansel Street that always sells those fancy antiques I quite enjoy. Or there's even the bookstore on Larken Street that sells those old books with the leather bindings too.

I was on my way down to the bookstore when suddenly --- I felt it. The hunger --- it was here and it wasn't going anywhere until the thirst was satisfied. I kept trying to focus on everything around me. Then I tried talking to the people along the street, or I read the street signs over and over until it was fresh in my memory. But the urge to feed kept nagging and clawing its way inside me. I knew that I didn't have to do this because of my past. I'd already drunk the ancient blood and that will sustain me physically for a long time. But it seems that no matter how many times I tell myself this ---- the hunger still prevails.

It's weird for me in a way --- the need to feed is still there. Even after all of the ancient blood, the need still remains in my vampire nature. When you're used to doing something for so long and you finally realize you don't have to do it anymore, it's like night and day when you really think about it.

But enough of that nonsense, it's time to hunt. The sooner I can get back to my materialistic pleasures the better. I had recently picked a man to observe these past two weeks, and from the data I've gathered about him I decided it was time.

The man worked for a secret agency that cheated people for their money. He was a hacker of some sort. It was his job to plant varies types of viruses into people's computers. When the viruses were planted, an error message would pop up that would prevent people from doing simple things on their computers such as going on the internet and even accessing files stored away on the hard drive. The only way to get rid of the virus was if they went to him and payed him money to take it off. Lots of money.

I figured it was time to give the guy a taste of his own medicine. As I made my way through the outskirts of the small town where the man lived, I began tilt my head up towards the sky. I noticed that there were several stars shining in the sky, causing it to glow radiantly. It was beautiful. Most people don't appreciate the beauty in things anymore.

When I finally approached the edge of the street where the man lived, the leaves began to crunch beneath my feet as I made my way across the front lawn of his house. He should be home, but I wonder if he knows it will be his last night ever. I made my way into the house as quiet as the night. The window was left open so it was easy to get myself inside.

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