Chapter 58 - Suprise!

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               Yeah, so . . . just like this title says . . . Suprise! ^^ Anywaaaay, I know. Some were shocked about the twist - but it's just the story. But maybe, just maybe if we pray hard enough it'll happen right? I think it will. ;] Besides all the . .  babies and doing the Adult thing, and guns and all that. But I mean, -- Blah! I'll say it at the end of this chapter! <3 You guys!'



In the morning I found myself under something heavy. It wasn't deadly heavy, but it was a sort of comfortable heavy.

             I lifted my head to find Princeton's arm around my waist. Now, yeah Princeton doesn't look like the strong type - but we may have been dancing harder because all of us gained some muscles. Heck, even I did. And that, was a suprising thing.

              But soon, I began to feel claustophobic with his arm pinning me down to the mattress. I mean, I had to at least move around and breathe when I first wake up and with Princeton's arm that wasn't really possible.

               So, I took the matter into my own hands.

"Princeton," I poked him a bit. "Hey Princeton, wake up." I said softly, but still didn't even stir. I had sudden sympathy for his mom, for those endless days of school where she had to wake him up. Or, I may have had sudden sympathy for his alarm clock. Either or, they both had difficulty with this kid.

                    "Princeton. ." I said more sternly, squirming around to kind of give him a signal in his dream that I needed to be set free from his blockade. Plus, I really had to go to the bathroom and it was not cute to pee in the bed.

                 As I felt another wave of urgency go through my body, I knew it wasn't long that I could hold it. I wasn't known for holding it, and I hoped he knew that.

               "Princeton!" I said louder, flicking his ear a bit, and poking him. I stopped when he grumbled and hoped he was roll over or something. But nonsuprisingly he didn't. I rolled my eyes as he slept, this was going to take some elbow grease.

            So with that being said, I rubbed my hands together preparing for one big push. I know you must be thinking, 'Why dramatize it when you can just lift this arm?' well my answer to that is, that in the morning I was just not that strong. Simple.

                  "Okay Princeton." I said, gaining my strength. "Hopefully, when you hit the floor, you won't end up meeting Elvis. And if you survive, then I'll probably be in big trouble." that was true actually. Princeton hated suprises - and he even more hated girls that could beat him up. I guess I fell in both catogories.

      As I drew in big breath's I pulled my body and arms back and pushed with all my might.

Princeton opened his eyes just in time to see himself fall off the bed with a 'Thud!'.

                 Not even waiting for him to get up, I ran to the bathroom before he decided to blockade it or something.

            After relieving myself, and brushing my teeth, washing my face and all that I walked out of the bathroom to find the bedroom empty. Suspicious, aye?

             All I saw was a note on the bed, and wondered if I had to probably have the bomb squad to check it before I picked it up or something.

        So, hesitant, I poked at the note before I finally picked it up and read it.

           Close your eyes.

I'm In Love With A Celebrity That Doesnt Even Know Me.. (Continuing! :D)Where stories live. Discover now