Chapter 40 - Wait... what!? (Mikey's pic; Abs)

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      So yeah, i guess that last chapter wasn't half bad. I mean, c'mon, with all the girls Prodigy was with, we kinda expected him to have something!

(Look at the past chapter for Mikey's pic - withought abs ;D )

>>>>- SMEXY!!!!!! (Mikey in middle)


 Chapter 1 -


     It's been about two weeks now, and believe me, their wasn't anything hoop-la about it. Over the past weeks, we did learn the other dances, and Prodigy was put on medication for his condition, which he hasn't told us just what it was yet.

     Anyway, oddly enough Ray Ray and I haven't been speaking like we normally do. I dunno why, because nothing really happened, like a argument or something. But, on the bright side, Mikey and I have been doing well. Non-akward i mean. We talked about what happened, and both agreed that it was just something that shouldn't have happened.

    I sighed at the thought, i wanted it to happen.

"Alright guys, Were here." said our non-chalant bus driver, I tuned back in, grabbing all my things that I needed just for tonight, and headed off the tour bus.

     In our suite, girls had a different one than boys, not soon after we got settled we did infact get a call from the boys.

    I had already took my shower, and Angel was taking her's while D'shealyn was combing out her hair. "Yello'?" I answered.

    "Hey." a soft voice said, which made me smile. "Hey Mikey, wasup?" I asked, biting my lip. I loved talking to him, I felt so at ease.

   "Well, boys wanna' know if you girls would like to come downstairs to chill out with us, so we can get tired." he chuckled softly, which made me smile. The way he pronounced 'Girls' sounded like 'Gals'.

     "Sure!" I said, but i soon noticed that I sounded a little too excited. Bad move Kayla, bad move. I could hear him chuckling, which only made me blush. "I mean, we'll be right down in a minute." Smooth Kayla. Smooth.

      He chuckled, "Don't keep me waiting." Oh. My. Gosh. Does he know how sexy that sounded!? Obviously not, because he hung up on me.

    I smiled, and hung up the phone. Just chilling Kayla, just chilling. But no, it was more than that i soon figured out. It was one, a battlefield with my distant boyfriend, and then my loving crush. Gosh! I still couldn't figure out which one I liked more, Mikey or Ray Ray?

   Ray Ray, gosh he was so sweet. Loving, funny, great dancer. But then again, he did cheat on me, of course I did as well, but.... I shook my head. Not a good idea to think about him. Secondly, Mikey. Damn. All i thought about was just pure sexiness. He had abs, he was funny, he was a good dancer, he never cheated on me, he was caring, he was just perfect!

     "Kayla? You ready?" Angel asked me, after I noticed she and D'shealyn both had on their PJ's. I nodded my head, "Yeah."

    So out we headed, towards the lounge downstairs. I had to make up my mind, but how? I thought about it for a moment.

   Okay. Here's what I would do. I would watch their actions and whichever one was most... awesome, then I would think more about that guy.

   I smiled, it sounded like a plan. A good one.


   When we were downstairs, the boys were already there with hot chocolate for all of us. I smiled and sat on the big sofa, next to Mikey since D'shealyn took my spot next to Ray Ray. Angel was next to me, and Prodigy was on a individual couch to the side of her. I was glad, I didn't really want to face him right now.

I'm In Love With A Celebrity That Doesnt Even Know Me.. (Continuing! :D)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ