Chapter 35 - Guit.

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    No clue how this will come out, but more than likely comedy in this story might be thin.. or thick not really sure since the girls of course are still wounded. *Sigh* I'll see what happens. ;]



     After our breakfast, we decided to just watch movies and what-not until we recieved any news about our plans for today or something. It would be a bummer if we had to stay in bed all day, because then we would get bed sores and it would just be a terrible sight!

    But then again, being in bed did seem relaxing but their was also that stressfull topic about our careers, but for now we decided to avoid talking about that.

      Around noon, Manager Emily came in the room and said that she would be taking us out today. With a confused look on our faces, we soon just got ready and left. It as amazing really, that she would actually offer us to go wherever today, but hey, it was worth it.

      We loved to go shopping. And plus, we worked hard so i believe that we deserved it. But of course, i say that modestly.

      But soon enough, we had to come back to the hotel and practice, right?


      Ray Ray:

     After the girls left, we immediately got to work.

        We couldn't reserve a nice resturant spot, to take the girls so we just decided to do our best with the hotel room.

    After moving the beds around, we finally had enough space to begin our decorating. Our theme that we had picked was a uplifting sort of thing, because we didn't want to bring the mood down now did we?

     It was pretty clear that we were terrible designers, and even the managers offered someone to plan it for us. But, we found it more sweet if it showed that we took time decorating it.

     Since the girls all had different tastes, we decided to make the theme something where they would enjoy, and have fun at the same time.

     So, our main concept was to have a titanic class theme, minus the whole.. sinking ship part. We had black and white drapes along the walls, and stars above on the cieling. We even had portable port holes on the walls to make it seem like a real ship. Also, we had this sound maker that made sounds of the ocean, and even little sea gulls sounds.

   After the food arrived and was prepared, it was time to put on our outfits. Each boy, had on a black suit, with a white tie and of course, full white shoes on. We still looked fresh, and classy.

     Myles and Prodigy even was in on the suprise.

      "It's really nice, what your doing for them and all." Prodigy said, meaningfully awkward like. We smiled, and nodded our heads.

   Myles, who already had some food in his mouth, nodded his head. "Yeah, this party is dope! Fo'real though, where can i get some more of those our-dervs? A brother hungry like a mug.." he said, and scurried off to the food.

We shook our heads, but we all made up that night. I don't know if we were considered brothers again, but i knew we hadn't forgot about how much we cared for each other.

   Now the only thing left, was if the girls cared about us?



   Okay! This whole day has been wierd. When we did leave the hotel, we went shopping and everything, but soon we had to hurry back to the hotel.

I'm In Love With A Celebrity That Doesnt Even Know Me.. (Continuing! :D)Where stories live. Discover now