Chapter 26 - You hate me for something i did not do? (Up to date!)

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     Me? Me!? They actually thought that I, killed Armano!?

      I shook my head as I walked downstairs to the lounge, because I was just speechless about how they thought that I, a girl that can’t even kill a stink bug, killed a human being! Brother to my boyfriend, for all that matters!

     As I set up my blankets and pillows on the plush couch in the lounge, I shook my head as I couldn’t think of how to solve all this.

     As I lay in my bed, I let out a long great sigh, because hopefully this would all be over and they would forget their stupid mistake, and we’ll all be good.




  “Ouch!” I screamed out, as I fell off the couch.

      I stuck my head out of the piles of covers that was above me, as I looked around for the clock.

    It took me forever, as I looked around and searched and what-not for the clock, that didn’t seem to be ringing! Now, I know that I left the volume up high…. I think.

       I threw up my hands, and gave up after about three minutes, and just went to my phone. “12:30!?” I said in disbelief.

      I quickly dropped my phone, and dug through my suitcase for my rehearsal clothes, and socks, and shoes.

    My hair was a mess, so I ran my fingers through it and put it in a messy bun, as I ran down the steps, instead of doing the smart thing and using the elevator. Gosh! I could be dumb sometimes!

     As I finally made it to the lobby, I quickly stopped by the continental breakfast they always prepare for the guests, and grabbed a bagel as I ran right back out.

      I still had only one shoe, as I ran inside the Dance Studio.

      I was only 30 minutes late, as I quickly, yet quietly entered through the door, but it was no use. Miss Jay, our choreographer, saw and heard me already.

      “Kayla! Why are you so late?” Miss Jay said immediately.

       I bit my bottom lip, and looked at her. I decided to tell the truth… sort of. “Well, I was sleeping in the lounge --”

      “Wait, wait. Hold up, why were you sleeping in the lounge?”Miss Jay interrupted me with, as I stuttered a bit. “Um, well, I chose to. Air conditioning and what-not.” I said nervously, as I glanced at the laughing others, confused a bit.

     “Well, whatever, as long as you are here.” Miss Jay said, returning back to the head-side of the room, where she watches us dance from the “Miss Jay area”

      “What are we dancing to?” I asked, as I saw everyone heading to their places. “Bust the windows out your car, by Jasmine Sullivan.” Miss Jay said, distracted by… something. (Sometimes she just looked off into distance which was a ‘Miss Jay’ thing.)

       “Oh, okay.” I said, remembering slightly of where I was last practice that we went over this. The only reason why we were doing this was because while we were on tour, we were asked to do this dance at a school in Michigan.

    “Uh, Kayla.” Miss Jay said, thinking while she spoke. “You’re over there in the center, with Ray Ray.”

   I made an uncomfortable face, but I hid it because you had to do what you had to do in Hollywood.

    As we got in our positions, I dared myself not to look at Ray Ray in the eye, and also for me to not to talk. In this dance, it did get intimate but mildly, since the whole song was based off of the dude cheating.

     We weren’t even two minutes into the song, when Ray Ray decided to talk.

    “You know, usually I don’t dance with murderers.” He whispered, as we danced. “And I don’t usually dance with jackasses, but we all don’t get our choice.” I said, making a smart come back.

    He didn’t seem to pretty much like that, but he deserved it. “Still laughing at this serious matter? Killing a person is serious. Why can’t you see that?” he said, shaking his head as Miss Jay rose suspicion at us, but since we were dancing good, that quickly went away.

      “Look, I didn’t kill him! Why can’t you see that I did what a legal nurse told me to do, that’s all! If it’s anyone’s fault, then it would be the nurses, not mines!” I loudly whispered back to him.

    “Look Kayla! If you had street sense, then you would know not to trust somebody that could be posing as a nurse! She could’ve been somebody that wanted to kill my brother, you never know!” Ray Ray said, nearly yelling.

     “And why would anyone want to kill Armano?! He was a nice guy, got good grades, who would want to kill him!?” I said, almost to the point to yell. I was a nice person, y’know?

     “People! People would want to kill him!” Ray Ray said, but for the longest that I’ve knew him, I could tell when he was holding something back. “But whatever, he’s gone, just because you made a stupid choice to listen to a random nurse that was just oh-so-helpingly passing by.”  He said, and added but mumbled under his breath. “My mom told me about you people, hood rats, thugs, ‘G’es, nothing but trouble.”

      I stopped the dance, and stared at him with a raised eyebrow. “Nothing but trouble?” I said, reaching the top of my lungs. “Hood-rat? Well it’s you Hollywood people that make all this money and forget about the family that raised you in the hood. But I guess it’s nothing to think about, since your all making money now.” I said, as everyone was watching us, well me, since I was the only one talking I guess.

     But as I began to walk away, I turned around and looked at him. “And for your information, I’m in honors, and when I was only in the 7th grade, I was taking the same math class that you, the 9th grader, were taking. And while you passed with a C, I made it with an A. For three quarters straight.” I said, as he became dumb-founded. “Yeah, look up the definition of a hood rat, before you start calling someone one.”

       I left out of the room, and back to the lounge. I don’t care much to embarrass him, well, yeah just then because he was definitely out of line!

    I shook my head, as I sat down on the big pile of covers from earlier. I was going to find out what happened, and why it did.

  I was going to save us all.

I'm In Love With A Celebrity That Doesnt Even Know Me.. (Continuing! :D)Where stories live. Discover now