Chapter 37 - What!?

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    Okay, so for this chapter, is going to have mucho'mucho comedy in it! = ) But warning: Please do not read more of this, if your parent's haven't gave you "The Talk" yet. ;] but hopefully, we've ALL had the talk, because i know no little kindergardner is reading -- ah, lemme just start the story. x]



       When we got back to the hotel, the boys carried us and quickly ran inside the room. We all knew that the "Love session" was going to start, because who doesn't have a romantic time alone with thier boyfriend after they make up?

   And of course by make-up, you know how they do it in the movies? How they have a dramatic break-up, then they stay apart for a matter of time, and then rejoice in being a couple again before the movie ends? And with that, they have this huge make-up scene?

    Or in other word's, make-up sex?

 "Ah! Ugh! Blech! Stop it! Stop it! Do not dare say that word again! Blech!" Prodigy blurted out, holding his Pimp Build-A-Bear bear. "Don't say what again?" I asked him, as we all looked at him with raised eyebrows.

    When we had finished up with our 'dates', we decided to head back to the suite, to just really talk and chill and just.. relax. You know, junk food, beanbags, pillow's blankets, lights dimmed? Stuff like that.

     "You know! What you just said!" Prodigy said, as I remained buzzled. "'Don't say what again' That?" I was confused, did he meant that? "No! No no no no! Not that, the other thing! The other thing that you said!" he practically yelled, obviously frustrated.

    "What? Sex?" I asked, as he lively nodded his head. "Yes! Yes yes yes! That word! Now can you please not say it!?" Prodigy practically begged.

             I smirked, my prize-winning smirk, and looked at Ray Ray. "Hey Ray Ray, is sex a  big thing over in India?" I asked, of course being a smart ass.

    "Why yes it is, and Princeton, is sex a important thing in the fashion industry?" Ray Ray asked Princeton, catching the whole 'smart-allic' thing. "But of course! Everyone knows fashion, relates to sex." Princeton said, as he turned to Angel. "And dear Angel, is sex a big thing in the wrestling industry?" to me, he sounded like one of those sports man, which only made Angel and I giggle. "Of course; my dear sir! Where their's wrestling, theirs sex." Angel said, winking before she turned to Roc to ask him a question only to annoy Prodigy.

    "So Roc-"

"Enough! I get it! Hardy-har-har!" Prodigy yelled out, obviously not playing. "Now just shut the hell up and stop saying that word! Please!" If Prodigy wasn't mad, i would've thought that he was begging for us to stop. Is that called, like anger-begging? Dunno.

     "Chill. Dude. It was just a joke." Princeton said, chucing softly. "A joke, that's not funny, to me." Prodigy replied, bitterly. "Okay, Prod. Why don't you like the 'S' word?" I said, getting serious now.

    Prodigy suprisingly blushed, and lowered his eyes. "For a reason." I raised an eyebrow, "What reason?" He looked at me and blushed even more. Suprisingly i didn't know i would actually see Prod blushing, but i guess it was possible. Just saying. "Look, the reason's embarrasing. Okay?" Prod said, which actually did sound sympathetic if you were someone who just met him. But also harsh a bit. "C'mon party pooper! Just tell us, and get this over with!" Angel interrupted, but hey, we were all thinking the same thing.

    "Well i don't like that word, because it hasn't happened to me before." Prodigy said softly. It hasn't happened to him before? What the hell did that mean? "Hasn't.. happened.. to -- oh! IT has happened to you, oh." I said, getting it and not soon after the others got it as well.

    "Dang Prod. No bait kept you up late?" Myles asked, as we all looked at him and yelled. "Shut the hell up Myles!" he backed down and held up his hands. "Hey, just saying."

    "Well what he's saying is true. I haven't slept with a girl..." Prodigy said, looking away. "Well hey, nothing wrong with that. I mean, you will." Roc said, his voice cracking a bit.

    Prodigy shook his head, "No i won't! I'm alway the one who gets the least cheers when we perform on stage, or even better yet, on our website you guys would have like 30 people in y'all chat rooms, the highest number i ever had was seven. Seven! I haven't even had a girlfriend, guys. And im freaking fifteen! I have needs you know!" he said, letting all this anger out.

        "Hey... dude. If you need me for anything, i'll be there to help you." Myles said sincerely. Prodigy lifted his head slightly and looked at Myles, "With my hormones? Really?" he said sarcastically. Myles looked at him sassy-like, "Now you gotta take me to dinner first." he said, with a snap of the fingers.

    I chuckled, and then reached out to Prodigy.

        "Hey.. you'll find a girlfriend in no time." I spoke out, touching his knee. I mean, Prodigy was a great dancer, he had muscle's like steroids, and he was good-looking a way. Of course, i couldn't tell him that, not with my boyfriend in the room.

    At first, Prodigy was quiet. More than likely taking it all in. Then he lifted his head up, and looked at me, and then all of us. "Alright! I will! I'll show you just that." he said, with a mischevious grin on his face who knew what was behind it.

    I sighed, and sat back. Soon after he left, everyone else started talking and got into their own world. I was still looking straight ahead, of course dazed about what Prodigy was up to. I felt someone shake me on the arm, and turned to be looking dead-smack into Ray Ray's brown eyes. I never knew how they big they really were, until now of course. And his skin, was flawless. I could even see some peach-fuzz, forming underneath his nose. God knows that was a little bit sexy if you ask me.

      As i scanned his facial features, he raised an eyebrow at me as his lips drew closer to mines. "Your not checking me out, are you?" he said, grinning at the thought that indeed I was, checking out his face that is. "Yes. Problem?" I replied, being the smart ass that I was born with. He only chuckled, and brushed his lips against mines. Oh Lord how it felt so good to kiss him again! He was warm and inviting, it was nothing but the best really!

           "Nah, not really. You can check me out anytime." he said, as he suprisingly kissed me, immediately taking over the kiss. I mean, of course I knew he was going to kiss me, by the way he leaned in and by the way he brushed his lips against mines you would think that he wanted to kiss me! Right?

   Anyway, as we got deeper into the kiss, he invited my tongue to roam his "Territory" and I invited his as well. I guess we forgot that there were others in the room, because i started tracing his chest (he actually had muscles. No lie.) and breathing seductively into his ear, and on his neck.

     But what got me, was when his "Baseball bat" appeared from the field. I was shocked and smugly acutally, at the same time. One, shocked, because he actually.... did that. Two, smugly, because I could turn him on like that. It was a win / win thing, really. But he was embarrased obviously. But what made him even more embarrased, was when Angel and Roc, D'shealyn and Princeton, and let's not forget Myles, looked over at the desperate Ray Ray, hiding it obviously.



Authors note: That was a little... shocker aye guys? ;) Don't forget to comment and tell me what you think, kay' chaps? Lol x)

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