Chapter 23 - Why am I the one to hate, when you were the one who stole?

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So yeah, in this chapter, i don't actually know... again. And since I'm on a old computer (im at school xD) I can't do italics or bold or what-not. Sigh... xD


Chapter 1 -


I sighed, as I shook my head. "Where is D'shealyn and Raven?" I asked everyone, as I looked around for my things.

"Don't tell me they..." Prodigy said, as Roc looked at him. "I won't. Because they didn't." Roc said, a little harsh if you listen closely.

"Well, look, maybe they didn't do anything. Maybe, we just misplaced them." I said, trying to reassure everyone.

As we got on our dance outfits, we didn't really speak anymore of the whole 'misplacement' of our phones, and how Raven and D'shealyn were oh-so-happenly not there when we woke up.

We did have to lie though, so I was chosen (even though I was the baddest lier of all) to go up on the spotlight.

I asked Angel to come out on the spotlight with me, since she was not the best lier but she was better than me.

"Hey, guys. We tried calling you. Why didn't you wake up?" Manager Emily asked us.

This, was our big debut.

I walked slowly, along with Angel, up to the group of managers, and started out with "Well, we....." I began, "Went to the pool last night." Angel added. "And we set our phones on the chairs," I began, "So we wouldn't get them wet or anything." Angel added. "So when we jumped into the pool," I began, "Water splased all over it." Angel added, "And we didn't want them to get mal-functioned or anything." I began, "So we took them to the bathroom." Angel added, "And set them under the dryer's." I began, "But we had to use the bathroom, so we left them under the dryer's. No harm, right?" Angel added, "But when we came back.." I began, "Our phones were gone." Angel added, "The end." she finished off with.

The managers looked at us with wierd expressions on their face, and Manager Emily nodded her head. "M-hm." she said, and sighed. "So, you misplaced them? I... I think." she sad, and just shrugged her shoulders. "Okay, we'll look into the tracking device for your phone, but it will take some time for it to come through." she said, and just walked off. I think our lie, has left a mark on here.

I looked at the others, as they clapped silently that we made it through. "Dance? To clear our mines?" Prodigy said, as we all nodded our heads.


We walked outside, and down the street to the dance studio. I saw Roc looking around viguriously, probably for D'shealyn i suppose. I shook my head, as I said nothing, and walked into the dance studio.

One of the managers were there, writing something in a notebook, over by the radio. "Sup." Myles said, as we all walked inside. "Hey guys!" the manager (who was also lead choreographer) greeted us, excited like. "Coming to practice for tour?" he asked us.

      My mouth dropped, tour!? "What? Tour? Already?" I said, shocked. "Yeah, the BSB 2 tour." he replied, with a raised eyebrow. "What? You didn't know? The managers should've told you by now..." he said, and shrugged. "They'll tell you later on more than likely." he said, and then left.

   I was still shocked. But, we were told to go ove the dance to future, adding the parts for Angel and Myles to come in as well.

   After we danced a full routine to Future - Mindless Behavior first, we of course took a break. As we chatted, I looked behind me to see Roc just, standing alone by the full mirror stand. I sighed, and excused myself from the group, as I walked over to him.

I'm In Love With A Celebrity That Doesnt Even Know Me.. (Continuing! :D)Where stories live. Discover now