Chapter 25 - Blame it.....

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Okay, so after this... darkest hour O.o the story shall continue! Now, as for my readers, i really need you guys to vote like you never voted before! :D

To new readers: The other chapters were..... tormented, so just read and catch up! I'll make sure I add things, to help you understand better. :D


Chapter 1 -


I quickly got up, the covers tearing away from my body.

"Okay, thank you. I appreciate it. Bye." I said, as I hung up the phone, shocked.

I'm guessing I woke up the others, because I heard a voice ask me, "Who was that?"

I turned around to find Ray Ray tiredly awake, and the others looking at me as well. "It 911." I said, as I cleard my throat. I remarkably got the attention of every one now and hesitated. "And? What did they say?" Ray Ray continued on asking me.

"That... Ray Ray...," I said, sitting down on the bed and grabbing his hand. "Your brother, Armano...." I began. Man, it was just so hard! But yet, I continued. "Was in a motor-cycle accident, and... He's in the hospital now." I said, as Ray Ray jerked up and walked off.

The others looked at him, with sympathy, as I looked with saddens eyes.

It was a awkward while, before he turned away from the window and quickly got dressed. I could see his eyes red and his cheeks wet from tears (obviously).

"W-Where are you...?" I began to ask, stupidly as the rest of us got dressed too and followed him. We left the managers a note, and then we left off and headed towards the hospital.

I was worried.

When we got there, we did get strange looks from the rest of them. I mean, 7 teenagers, coming to the hospital at 3 AM, in nothing but sweats and PJ's...


        "Um, excuse me, m'am? Yea, hi, do you mind telling us where a patient by Armano Raron, may be?" I asked, as I smiled sweetly.

     "Um excuse me? What do I look like? A receptionist?" said..the receptionist at the front desk, as she turned back around and filed her nails.

     I raised an eyebrow at her, as I turned back to the others. "Wait..." Angel said, as she gently moved me out the way and stood next to the counter. "Excuse me, Miss? I believe you didn't hear us... See, we asked if you would tell us were Armano Raron is." Angel said, nicely as the lady at the front desk looked at her, and sucked in her lips.

    "Look, I said what do I look like? Okay? I'm busy. So um, you little kids can run off now." the lady said, doing absolutey nothing. What work was she referring to? Who knows... who cares.

  Angel shook her head, and grabbed the lady by the collar. "Now you listen to me, m'am, I had to wake up before I am supposed to wake up, and haven't had no tasting's of gum, so you tell me where the hell Armano Raron is, or that nail file wll be shoved so far down your throat, your lungs are going to have a mani-pedi."

  Angel said, and walked off towards the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), immediately finishing her little "Talk" with the receptionist.

   It's a funny how things work out.

As all of us walked to Room 323, we saw doctors running in and out of the room, but we walked on in anyway.

    We saw Armano, laying in the bed eating Jello and watching TV. Ray Ray smiled when he saw him, and immediately walked over to his bed side to greet him. "Armano..." Ray Ray softly spoke, as he bent down next to the bed. "Dimples? I haven't seen you in forever." Armano said, raspy like.

I'm In Love With A Celebrity That Doesnt Even Know Me.. (Continuing! :D)Where stories live. Discover now