Chapter 31 - Darn our smartness!

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With all the stuff happening, they just HAD to add this on to our pile of drama?!


  Chapter 1:


After the show, we were met up backstage with our parents. Mom, dad for few.

    As I walked backstage, i purposely put myself in the back only for fear reasons. My mom could be gangsta, and D'shealyn's mom looked straight hood. (No offense.)

       As we all settled down, we just awkwardly stared at our parents until they finally spoke.

   I would've rathered had silence, if you ask me.

    "Boys?" Manager Emily said, as all the boys, Myles wasn't there, he was down in the cafeteria and wasn't really told about this meeting. Sad. Myles always wanted to know what was going on for any cases.

    The boys looked at her, as she continued. "The parents have much, exciting news for you! You - all actually, and it's really important you listen up." she said, as she stood off in the corner for a moment.

   I raised an eyebrow, as I waited.

The room was silent, and you could tell we were all wondering.

    About? I have no clue.

One of the parents stood up, luckily for me it wasn't Ray Ray's parents, nor my parents.

            Let's just say im glad 'Secrets' were made.

 "Hey guys, I'm D'shealyn's dad and I just wanted to say what you all may be thinking." D'shealyns dad said, as he cleared his throat. "Um, so as you may all know, college is right down the road... and, as you also may know, it's very important to prepare for it." he said, assuring to all of us.

         Ugh! I hated when people beated around the bush. Luckily though, Angel knew exactly what I was thinking. "Look, okay, I know we all want to be like Oprah and what-not, but can you just tell us why were gathered here to today?" she said, straight-forward.

    The parents looked at her, and Angel's dad looked at her, but didn't say anything. She didn't seem him, which could've been a good thing or bad thing. Who knows.

   "The reason, we brought you here today. Is because, we are considering having the boys, since they're older, take a break from the whole music career, to begin looking and preparing for college. Which --"  D'shealyn's dad began, but that was MORE than enough!

   "WHAT!?" we all yelled in unision. "No! That's crazy!" one of us yelled, "That's insane!" the other yelled, until they shushed us to be quiet.

    "Listen! Guys! And girls! Now, to the girls, I know that some of you may have developed relationships or what-not, but this is a serious matter. Their will always be boys there, and guys, their will always be girls there. Take the road that would lead you to success, even though it may seem crazy and you may hate it now, it will benefit you in the future. And we've already talked about the managers, and we'll just reeboot your whole career after you graduate, and maybe even in between." D'shealyn's dad said, as he tried to make us understand!

    I was shaking my head! What in the world!? WHAT in the HELL were these people thinking!?

But after they said that, the room went quiet. Angel, D'shealyn and I were all looking at our boyfriends. Were they really considering this?!

      "But, when we get older, the fans may not still like us! We'll be old! Like you all!" Roc said, "Not exactly! You'll only be like... twenty, twenty-three the most! Well, it all depends on what you guys will major in." D'shealyn's mom this time, spoke out and said.

    "And!? We have girlfriends, who yes,  are present in this very room. And really --" Princeton began, but his dad cut him off. "Princeton! Now listen young man, we have spolied you rotten until this day! Now if you chose to disobey our orders, and not go to college and get a succesfull future, instead of attending to these -- peasant like girls -- then all money funds will be cut off, and you will no longer be considered as our beloved son, but as our beloved son that disappointed us permanetly." Princeton's dad said, as Princeton became quiet.

   "Same for you Trey." Roc Royal's dad said, "And you Ray Ray" Ray Ray's mom said, "And can't forget you Prodigy." Prodigy's dad said.

       They all grew quiet.


    I raised my eyebrow, which became a habit actually, and looked at Ray Ray, as Angel looked at Princeton, and D'shealyn looked at Roc.

    "Don't tell me your considering -" D'shealyn, Angel, and I began. "Just shut up for a moment! Okay?" Ray Ray, Roc, and Princeton said in unision.

    We looked at them. They were actually considering it!

I stood up, along with the others (D'shealyn and Angel), and walked to the door. But before we left, we turned back. "If you really, are considering in wreaking all of our dreams, just to build your's... then you can just go shove it." I said, as we left.



   Mad. I make my story WAY to realistic.

 ( The picture is our pajamas )

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