Chapter 3 - Lies, Lies, all Lies!

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This is going to be EXTREMELY dramatic.... O.o


Chapter 1 -

   Ray Ray:

I kissed her! I kissed her! And not o n l y, was it smooth, but It was awesome! I smiled as she left the room, and i ran back and forth, flipping and doing cartwheels and things like that. I was so happy!

   I walked downstairs, where everyone was having breakfast and saw Prodigy and Roc Royal snickering and laughing when I walked inside. I sat down at the table, and watched them as Kayla sat next to me. Under the table, Kayla grabbed my hand as we all prayed over the food, and then began to eat and chat.

   At first, it was going well until a manager asked, "So, guys, have you begun to help Kayla with her moves and what-not?" he asked, and before i could really say anything, Prodigy burs-ted out quietly, "I'm sure Ray Ray has been helping her with a whole 'lotta mouth action." he said, before he and Roc Royal burs ted out in laughter.

   I looked at Kayla with worried eyes, and looked at Prodigy and Roc Royal with eyes telling them to Shut. Up. Princeton, on the other hand, knew why they were laughing and also had worried eyes. But glared at Kayla with hateful eyes.



   I looked at Princeton, and tightly gripped Ray Ray's hand. This didn't look too good. "Ray Ray? What are they talking about?" the manager asked, and Ray Ray looked down. "Nothing." he said softly. "Oh yes, i believe it is something." Princeton spoke out, "Ray Ray! Don't lie and jeopardize all of our music careers, over some girl!" he said, harshly. I frowned and stood up. "What are you talking about!?" I said, as Ray Ray also stood up as well. "Yeah, Princeton. Roc Royal. Prodigy. What!?" he asked.

    "Oh don't play dumb!" Princeton said, still glaring straight at me. "We all know that Kayla slept in your bed last night!" he said, as he glanced over at the managers who had suprising expressions on there faces. "You did, WHAT now!?" a manager, im guessing the one that was closest to Ray Ray like as a mother or something, said. Ray Ray shrugged annoyed and said, "Yeah! Okay! That's cause she came to me last night! What, did you expect me to have her sleep on the floor!?" he asked, and i nodded my head. Exactly!

     "Oh, and what about your little mack on in the dance studio today? Is that why you didn't come to breakfast with everyone else? Huh!?" Princeton continue, harshly. "No! That is not what happened! We were just going over a little bit of the routine! No harm done!" I said, harshly and exchanging the same glare back to Princeton that he gave to me. "Oh, shutup you little Sl-" he began, before i cut him off. "Don't DARE call me that word!" I said, and threw down my napkin and backed away from the table. "You all, are NOT what you seem infront of the press and what-not! You are all are just jerks! Ray Ray, was trying to do a nice thing for me! And trust, I'm going to make sure everyone knows he did to!" I said, before walking out the room.

  "Kayla!" I heard Ray Ray call out. I turned around, and softer, i said. "Yes?". Ray Ray sighed and said. "Listen, let's not get to carried away with this. Their's no need to get the press involved with this." he said, looking at me. I raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Did you not just here what they said to me?!" I asked him, and he nodded his head. "Yes, yes I did! But, you can't tell the press! That'll ruin our careers!" he said, sadly. "But you don't want to go off into a bad reputation Ray Ray! People are going to figure out sooner or later! It's best to tell the truth!"

    Ray Ray shook his head, "Don't tell Kayla!" he said, and grabbed my arm. I shook him off, and looked into his eyes. His eyes just seemed so dark right now, i didn't even recognize him. "Is this how you want to lead your life? Is this really how you want to spend it?" I asked him. "Yes. This is my dream. And I'm not going to let you wreck it!" he said, harshly. I shook my head..I couldn't belive i was hearing this!

I'm In Love With A Celebrity That Doesnt Even Know Me.. (Continuing! :D)Where stories live. Discover now