Chapter 34 - And to make it up...?

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      Haha' i enjoyed the comments from the last chapter. Amusing. ;)


Chapter 1 -


   We walked onto the tour bus and found the boys just sitting there. Not talk or anything.

     They had weary and tired looks on their faces, and the side of their faces looked as if they had knocked - or been punched - agains't something.. or by someone.

  Still, it was a little tension between all of us, being that we were cautious of getting slapped or hurt again, and plus we were still recovering from the last blow.

     The boys saw us, and stood up for nothing i suppose.

           I gestured that we had to get to our rooms, so after they understood, they made a direct path down the middle aisle for us to go through. It was quiet during the whole process, extremely quiet.

    As we walked to our door, we had to say goodnight or something, cause I mean... we technically were still dating them, even though their was something shakey with just saying that.

      So, we turned around and walked a couple steps up, speaking softly. "Goodnight."

    The boys stood up, and raised their hand...

   We flinched and drew back.

   The boys put back down their hand, and backed away. "Goodnight." they said, as they cleared their throats and watched us leave.

    Why we flinched? Don't know.... the feeling of getting hurt, the mentality.... was wierd!


     Ray Ray:

I sighed as I saw Prodigy and Myles get on the bus next. We didn't make eye contact, since they did smack punch us right in the face and arm.

     They went back into the cabins, as we just sat there on the couch. We didn't talk for a while, until Roc decided to speak out. "Dude... we screwed everything up." I gasped silently, Roc didn't normally use words like that, butI had to admit. It was true.

    "Right... why did we punch them?" I asked, and to admit, I sounded like a grown  man, at the therapist.


"Who knows. We could've just.. talked about it or something! Why did we have to punch them? Oh God, why?" Princeton said, shaking his head.

     "Were idiots." Roc said, point blank.

"Dumb, messed up idiots." I added.

   "That don't deserve girlfriends." Princeton finished off. "And now! We can't even touch them, with ought them flinching, or thinking their about to get hurt or something! I mean, me and Angel are still.. you know, we still have to... you know." he said, adding emphesis on 'You know'.

    Roc Royal and I looked at Princeton with raised eyebrows. "You guys didn't... yet?" Roc asked him, shocked. "Of all people! You two, haven't... done it yet?" I asked, shaking my head.

    Princeton sighed, "Well, we were. When the mood was right. We're not really, prepared for that, and we wanted to wait until a long lasting break or something. Or until we were older and ready." he said, "And you can't be talking Ray Ray! You and Kayla did it more than the average teen is supposed to do! And you, Roc, you get rashes whenever a girl becomes sexual with you, so hush you two!"

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