Chapter 11 - It's gettin' hot in here! :D

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Chapter 10 (skipped nine xD ) –

I guess this could be counted as a "Suspense" thing y'know?(;


Chapter 1 -

  Ray Ray:

    As we chatted, the next moment seemed so unreal, so... movie-like. I was speechless.

   Their was a red light, that trailed around the room. We all stopped and looked at it as we wondered, where in the world did it come from?

   Then, it landed right on Kayla's head.

   One of the managers eyes widened, and he jumped infront of her, just at the right time that the bullet came to the window.

  Someone was watching, and was planning to kill.

   As the red lights went off, I quickly helped Kayla down to the floor, out of harm's way of another gunshot. And the police ran inside the room.

   We were huddled inside a complete layer of bodyguards, until we were inside our hotel room. Even then, did we have a countless amount of bodyguards surrounding our rooms.

   We all stayed awake, and just paced around the room like bored animals. We were told that we weren't allowed to go out, or be in view of anything until this blew over. Which of course, we didn't know would be for days...



    Anyway, I watched as all four of them, paced the same the same time. "Oh, c'mon guys! We can't just do this all day! We need to have fun! Make this, solitude worth it's time!" I said, trying to comfort the group. "How about we play a game...?" I suggested.

  The guys sighed, and nodded their heads. We all sat down, and crowded around each other, in the middle of the room. "Okay, well.... what should we play?" Roc Royal asked me.

   I shrugged, "I don't truth or dare?" I suggested again. Seeing a uneasy look on both Ray Ray's and Princeton's face, I shook my head, and then suggested another game. "Okay, well how about scary stories?"

   Everyone nodded their heads. I smiled, and then the scary stories began to take way. But as we told them, they turned out not to be scary, but to be downright stupid. So we gave up that suggestion, like a minute later.

   I stood up, and threw my hands in the air. "C'mon guys! We have to talk about something!" I said, and then sat back down again. "What I want to know, is why somebody did that to us." Ray Ray said, fiddling with his fingers as he lowered his head. "Why they aimed at you first..."

   I also lowered my head, and eyes with that, and said. "I don't know... I think it..." I began, and then bit my bottom lip. Not bearing to say more.

   "Think, what?" Ray Ray asked me, suddenly getting interested. "Nothing. It's, nothing. Just a thought." I said, trying to prevent this conversation.

    Ray Ray looked at me, and intertwined his fingers in myn's. Looking me dead in the eye, I was just forced to say. "Well, if you must know..." I said, then looked around as my bravery faded a bit. " before i came here, well..." I chuckled nervously, "Ah, before you noticed that i practiced here.. during my walk back home i met some guys, and yeah they were in a 'Gang' shall you call it, and um... so i saw them day after day and so they gave me a nickname and everything, and then I tried to leave after I saw them kill a guy that knew a guy....." I lowered my head, "And...they um, said, that 'If you leave us now, then your new home will be six feet under.'" I closed my eyes and opened up one slightly. "So yeah, who's hungry!?" I said, getting up and walking to the circular kitchen.

I'm In Love With A Celebrity That Doesnt Even Know Me.. (Continuing! :D)Where stories live. Discover now