Chapter 53 - Aw, shucks.

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             Again, dunno how I come up with the titles, but ehhhhhhhhhhhhh. What'evs. x] Also, went out school shopping (early? I know.) so got SOME stuff. Not a lot.

      Wait, why am I telling you guys all this? I should be writing shouldn't I?

Alllriiighty. Here's another chapter. (= Vote / Comment / Do whatevssss. x]






            I paced around the hotel room, thinking about way's to get Angel and D'shealyn back. Couldn't I . . . well not that wouldn't work, but - maybe if I just . . . nah.

              I plopped down on the bed, obviously frustrated that my brain was freaking high right now, so I couldn't think of anything! I grunted in frustration, sometimes I wish we can replace our brains.

              But then again, that is thinking out of the box. And I like my brain, nice and cozy.

I lifted my head and looked up and around the room, seeing the others in deep thought. Was I just having a conversation about myself? Had I really been thinking, that much?

         Deciding that it was time for a break, I leant back on the bed I was on, and just closed my eyes. We had to perform tommorow, at this concert featuring Nicki Minaj, so of course being Nicki Minaj, she asked for us to wear crazy colors and to all look like 'Barbies'. Well, since the boys couldn't be Barbies (that would be such a turn down) and it was only Jordyn and I, their wasn't much to be excited about.

            I found myself drifting off to sleep . . . a quick nap wouldn't do much harm, now wouldn't it?

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         When  I woke up, I saw that nobody was in the room. Great, how come whenever I take naps or faint, people leave? Do I snore? Do I snore loudly?

             Thinking about it deeply, I saw the door open and in came Ray Ray. Besides all the greetings and things, I just asked, "Do I snore?"

         He looked at me as though he was thinking about it for a moment, and then shook his head. "No. Why?"

            "I dunno. Because every time I fall or asleep or faint, I wake up and every bodies gone." I stuck out my bottom lip, as though it hurt my feelings or something. Well . . . maybe just a tad bit. I mean, I liked the comfort of having some one being there when I wake up; not a serial killer or anything, just . . . some one.

               "Aww, does that hurt the wittle babies feelings?" Ray Ray mocked, climbing onto the bide side-ways, facing me. I nodded my head, as if I was a little child and he burst out in laughter. "It shouldn't." he said, in his medium-high (haven't hit puberty yet) voice. "I'll always be here though." he said in a more sincere tone, and closed it with a small soft kiss.

I'm In Love With A Celebrity That Doesnt Even Know Me.. (Continuing! :D)Where stories live. Discover now