Chapter 12 - Awesome, right?(;

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Yeahh - Yeahh - Yeahh. My story may have some romance stuff in it, but it adds interesting subjects so the story, gosh. xDD


Chapter 1 -

   Ray Ray:

    I opened up the door, as I walked out pretending as though nothing happened.

    "So, yeah. That special, plan. Um, I'll get right to work boss." I said, as I catched my breath and walked off to the desk.

    All eyes were on us, and Kayla looked at me, and said. "Um - oh! Oh, yeah. The, special.....plans. Right. Gotcha." she said. I chuckled, it was funny.

   After Kayla put on her head-phones, and listened to what was maybe going on outside the room, all the guys ran over to me.

     "Dude! Don't tell me." Roc said, grinning from one ear to the other.

   "What?" I said, calmly even though I knew what he was talking about.

   Prodigy sighed. "C'mon man! You know what we mean! You got some!" he said, shaking his head. "Why lie bro?" he said, laughing.

   I shook my head, "No we didn't. We talked over special plans that were going to share with y'all tonight." I said, remaining expressionless. 

   "I saw that she wanted to come out.. but you stopped her." Roc said, winking. "Nasty little boy!" he said, laughing.

   "Nasty wouldn't be the word. Desperate, maybe." Princeton mumbled.

   I raised an eyebrow, "Huh?"

   Princeton shook his head, and said. "Nothing. What is this whole 'Special Plan'?" he leaned on the wall, and held the broom.

   My eyes widened, and i bit my bottom lip. "Um, well... its um... where we use Prodigy's moves, and um.." I stuttered, a I scratched my head. "And turn them into a intergalatic form, of a form of karate, that stops the speeding bullet." I added, to make it sound... legit.

        Princeton, Roc, and Prodigy all looked at me strangely. They knew I was lieing. They just did. But they accepted it, and nodded their heads. Walking away.


   Two hours later.



   I walked over to the group, and said. "Okay, you guys ready?"

    It was night-time. And things were all ready. We spent thirty minutes to learn the dance that Prodigy came up with, and then we went to get our clothes on.

   Princeton opened up the closet to show some well designed close. Even with our nicknames on it. For me, I had a black tank-top with "Swirlz" on the back of it. It stopped just above my bellybutton, that looked fine by the way and I thought it made me look bad. Also, i had knee-cut black capri's, and of course, my low-cut black converse. He even found me a sweats-jacket, that fit my curves, and i still looked like a straight up ninja in it! I squealed and ran into the bathroom to change.

   When I came out, I had my hair in a messy bun, and I saw the guys stop and look at me. Princeton and Ray Ray smiled, while Prodigy looked gangsta' as usual, and Roc Royal said. "Oh snap!" he said, with the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air accent.

     I laughed and looked at the guys, they looked pretty 'Oh snap!' as well. Of course, Ray Ray had his goggles (Which looked great on him by the way), and Princeton and Prodigy had their glasses that made them look Supa'Fly! Not to mention, Roc Royal with his signature hats.

   I applauded and they bowed and laughed. "Aight." I said, calming down the crowd. "Listen, in three minutes the guards are going to shift places during watch. Roc, your going to go out into the hall, and pretend as though you are hurt. Make sure you keep them distracted, so the rest of us can climb out onto the terrace and glide down. Then, you'll come back inside, close the door and follow us." I said, took a breath, and continued. "After that, their will be a guard underneath us, so what we will do, is distract them by setting off the "Help me!" alarm, by the pool. Of course he would go over and check it out, giving us about two minutes before he knows it's a fake. After that, we take our bikes downtown and begin our mission that way."

    I took a breath, and continued. "Understand?" I saw everyone glance at each other, and nod their heads. I could feel the tension in the room, so I wanted to ease it. "Look guys... if we follow what we said correctly, nothing will go wrong. We are all brave for doing this, and remember the hero's always die hero's and always beat the villains. We have GOD on our hands, and we have our skills on our hands. If we don't believe in ourselves, then we will never make it. But, i do believe... in all of us, so tell me... do you believe?"

    I spoke with courage. I spoke with defiance. And now, it was time to show it. "I believe" they said, one by one.

    Then, we heard the noise in the hall.

We quickly began the plan, and Roc went to his positions. As soon as we had the balcony door's open, and the rope safely on the railing, we began.

    Roc ran out into the hall, and the guards moved away from the door. One after another, the rest of us began to climb down the rope, and so far. Things were going right.

   As soon as we heard a door close, we saw Roc also beginning his climb, following us. I pressed the button on my belt, and the "Help me!" noise began.

    The guard left, exactly as we predicted, and we hurried and jumped down, and ran towards our bikes. As soon as we were in the clearing, we left and zoomed down the alley.

    We were gone.

I'm In Love With A Celebrity That Doesnt Even Know Me.. (Continuing! :D)Where stories live. Discover now