Chapter 32 - Go ahead!

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i see my people got mad (but still like) my last chapter, so of course, im pretty sure you might hate this one. ;)


Chapter 1 -


Two hours later.

Still no reply.

I sat there, along with Angel and D'shealyn and just stared at the floor. We were all just... just shocked! After all we had been through, after the words "I love you.." had came out of each other's mouth SO many times, they still decide that they just want to up and leave?!

I was pissed! And i guess, what I was thinking came out of my mouth with ought me even knowing, because I heard Angel reply, "They didn't exactly say their decision. But still, their... idiots!" she said, shaking her head.

We all nodded our heads, and looked at the clock. It was 12:30, and we heard the T.V on animal planet in the "Tour Bus Living Room". We all had got a little thirsty, and hungry, and after a while we all decided that we weren't going on strike, so why were we treating ourselves like that? If we wanted water, then dammit we were going to get some!

After we all prepped ourselves, (a few tears, had actually been shed while we were in there), we walked out and straight ahead to the kitchen noticing some stares and do-wops to us.

As we lined up to get our refreshments, D'shealyn was first in line at the refrigerator, getting the water, I was over by the pantry, getting the chips, and Angel was getting the napkins and such.

Roc, walked up D'shealyn and knocked on the refrigerator door that D'shealyn was behind. "Don't be mad." he said, speaking up. Silence, was D'shealyn's reply.

"Look, D'shealyn will you listen? Please?" Roc said, we could tell he was getting agitated in his voice. "No. Bye." D'shealyn said, as she closed the door. Roc grabbed her hand, focefully if I say, and that's when Angel and I stopped what we were doing, inches away from backing D'shealyn up, when D'shealyn tore her hand away from his grip. "Bye." she said, and left to the room.

After she left, Roc sat down and this time Princeton went up to Angel who had napkins and things set out for us to bring back to the room. "Will you talk?" Princeton said, flashing a wide smile. Angel turned around, stuffed a big amount of napkins in his mouth, and shook her head. "Looks like your busy." she said, and walked back to the room, pushing the others aside.

After I got the chips, I turned around to only be semi-kissed by Ray Ray! I slapped him, and dashed off to my room.

What the hell was that!?



I rubbed my face, and looked at the others. "What was that??" they said, in unision.

I shrugged. Wasn't really thinking!

I just... I guess, wanted to make things better, and get it over with.

I'm In Love With A Celebrity That Doesnt Even Know Me.. (Continuing! :D)Where stories live. Discover now