Chapter 42 - If your mad, just tell me!

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    Awwwww, i felt so loved in that past chapter. <3 You guys are the greatest!!!!!

   And yes, I will be going up to chaper 60, and then hopefully a sequel. Reasonable, right? =)

Lovee ya!(;


   Chapter 1 -


   Oh God, what was I doing?

    I ran my fingers through Mikey's hair, well, not really ran through them because it was in a mohawk, and plus his hair was spiky, but hey,  I did the best I could.

     I felt so peacefull, yet my heart was racing like a bull! Just the feel of my lips against his, our bodies close together where our hearts beat in the same order, just felt so good!

     At first, I regretted wearing shorts because maybe it showed too much, maybe just maybe, he would get the wrong idea by it.

  But my God, I wish he had got the wrong idea. By the way he ran his hand up my legs, and by the way he held me with his other hand, was just so.. glorious!

    Plus, we were kissing passionately, some day we would have to make our own definition for the word passionate. I mean, Ray Ray and I have kissed passionate too, but when Mikey and I kissed passionate, it's like we were kissing eternal. I can't really describe it, mainly because I'm not thinking straight. I mean, c'mon, i'm kissing Mikey!

    It was a little chilly though, or at least that's what the weather said. But Mikey and I had our own heat thing going on, we didn't really need the blanks.

    As we kissed, and i ran my fingers down his back, he took the move in tracing his fingers along the hem of my shorts. He pulled slightly on it, but I knew this wasn't the right time. Oh God, I wish it was! I wish I could just devour him right now, but no that would wierd, outside in a public area? Plus, it was nearly dawn and we hadn't got any sleep with everyone waking up soon, and all.

  We had to stop kissing. Now.

      I couldn't. I just couldn't. The kissing was great! I didn't want to stop, let alone wanted to take the iniative to stop! But alas, I did. And I already regretted it!

      "You think we should go back to our rooms before anyone notices that were missing?" I asked him, tracing my fingers over his lips just to tease him basically. It was fun actually.

     As he shivered a bit, (the teasing obviously worked) he pouted a bit, and stuck out his lip. "Do we really have to leave? It was getting interesting." he said, leaning down to kiss me again. "Yes, we do. And yes, it was." I sighed, this would be hard. "But we don't want anyone to get the wrong ideas, as if we actually did sleep together." I sat up, as I noticed the hurt look on his face. "Is sleeping with me really a bad thought?" he asked, as I shook my head. Dammit Kayla, you made it worse!

   "No, no!" I said, shifting over to him. I ran my hand from his neck down to his abs, and patted them seductively. "Not. At. All." I said breathlessly as I stood up, looking at the results of teasing him again. Damn I was good.

       I slipped on my slippers, and helped him clean up, before we sneaked back up to our rooms. It was like 5 something in the morning, and not much people were up so we got back into our rooms easily.

    But before I went into my room, I sighed, putting the card in. My body was yearning for Mikey already! I mean, after all that just happened, how could I stay away?

I'm In Love With A Celebrity That Doesnt Even Know Me.. (Continuing! :D)Where stories live. Discover now