Jane Rundolf - Task Four

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User: perditapongo

I walked into the room. A policeman was sitting there, looking serious.

"Jane Rundolf?" He asked. I nodded.


"Where were you at on the night of the school dance? When did you arrive at the dance?"

I gulp.

"I arrived at 6 o'clock in the evening."

"Did you leave the hall at any time, if so for how long and when was it?" He stares at me. I look around.

"Yes. I left temporarily at half past seven to answer a phone call from my mum. I was outside for ten minutes." I say. It was a sore subject. My mum had told me my dad was in hospital.

"What was the subject of the call?" He asked.

"My - my dad is in hospital." I swallow. "Cancer." The policeman nods. In his eyes flashes a spark of something.

"Okay. Did you notice anything strange whilst at the dance?"

"No." I conclude. "I didn't hear about the murder until the next morning." He leans back in his chair. The last question.

"At what time did you leave the dance?" He says.

"Eight o'clock. I left early, and went to bed, because I was overheating and slightly stressed out."

"Okay, thank you. You may leave now." He says. I stand up, wipe my hands on my dress, then turn around and leave. I walk straight to my office and sink down into my chair. Over.

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