Ariadne Rane - Task One

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User: infinitywordlover

The wind whistles through my hair whipping it around my face as the countryside of Florida streaks past us. I stare pointedly out the window avoiding the burning gazes my parents are sending me through the rearview mirror, instead focusing on the huge villas and oceanside mansions that I had never even seen anything like before.

"Ri, you ok?" my mom asks.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" In truth, my stomach flutters with what feels like a whole garden of butterflies, and my legs feel like strawberry jam.

"You've been quiet that's all."

"I'm just tired. I didn't get much sleep last night." At least that much was true. I had stayed up the whole of last night alternating between excitement and anxiety. I had planned to go Carter Academy since probably third grade.

I still remember the day three months ago, when the letter came in the mail.

"Dear Ms. Ariadne Rane," it had said. "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the prestigious educational establishment of Carter Hollow Academy. You have been granted a full scholarship encompassing tuition and board." 

It had been easily the best day of my life. Going to Carter Hollow almost guaranteed admission into Ivy League schools...well, as long as you survived it at least. 30% of the students drop out in their first year and the percentage only increases from there.

The coursework is infamous for being brutal and unrelenting, but the teachers are amazing. I had been confident that this was the right thing for me, but as we approach the huge iron gates of the school, I'm not so sure. Everyone and everything here is rich and beautiful. Mercedes, BMWs, Audis, even a couple Lamborghinis line the parking lot. I don't belong here with my simple Honda Accord.

An authoritative figure stalks up to the car her eyes scanning it disdainfully.

"Welcome to Carter Hollow, you must be new. What dorm are you?"

I fumble with my paper nervously. "Um, Briginhoff."

"Third building on the right of the main building."

"Thanks." she nods and backs away letting us drive into the lot.

The buildings of the school look more like mansions or castles than school buildings including my dorm building. A couple girls are hovering in front each carrying a Coach purse, their hair perfectly done, and their makeup flawless. I swallow heavily, sweat coating my palms.

"Here we are, Ri," my father says thickly. I can hear my mom crying, and finally I meet their gazes, and suddenly my eyes too, are flowing over with tears. I hug them tightly, all too aware that this will be the last time I'll see them before the winter holidays.

"I'll miss you," I whisper.

"We're so proud of you!" my mom says quietly.

"You'll do great! Go show them what you can do," my dad adds. I nod tightly and we separate, me heading for the girls, and them heading back home.

I tug my single suitcase up the cobblestone path my backpack hooked on my back. The girls give me the once over, and snicker quietly to themselves.

"You must be the other scholarship student," the lead girl says spitting out the word 'scholarship' like it's a dirty word. I nod, staring straight into her eyes challenging her. She sneers,

"Arianna, right?"

"No, Ariadne," I correct her. "You know like the one who helped Theseus in Greek Mythology?" I add hopefully, but she just stares like I have three heads, which Cerberus the guard dog to the underworld actually did.

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