Edan Morez - Challenge Two

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User: PrinceEdan

Not too long from now, it would be my turn to die. I probably wasn't the only student playing that phrase over and over inside their mind. That thrill, that fear of dying, of possibly defeating my predator sent a chill down my spine. A wicked smile played on my lips as I dropped onto my bed and gripped the empty air with my hand. Life was such a fragile thing. In one, quick move it could be brought to an end. I glanced at the cop at the far end of the room. He was an intimidating fellow, standing tall with his arms crossed his chest.

Beyond these concrete walls was an endless sky, filled sparkling stars. Like lives that would one day vanish.

"Hey," I said, nodding my head in his direction. "How long you been a cop for?"

Some would say I have a few different personalities. Switching from polite and kind to rash and demanding, violent then cool tempered.

The man shrugged.

I snorted.


Taking a Swiss pocketknife from my shorts, I whirled it around my fingers. The cop lurched forward, closing the distance between us in a matter of seconds. His calloused hand gripped my wrist, hard. A cold gaze was directed at me.

Chuckling, I returned his stare coolly. "I'm just playing, don't mean no harm."

"Weapons aren't allowed on campus."

"A lot of things aren't allowed, but it doesn't mean that people abide by the rules. Sometimes we have to be spontaneous, don' cha think? What's fun 'bout being serious e'eryday."

With a flick of his wrist, he slapped the blade knife out of my hands. I frowned, watching blade drop to the tile floor.

Since I got his attention, I asked if he knew the knife song.

He shot me another cold glare. As silence consumed the room, I quickly became bored. God, I hated that feeling. I needed something to distract myself. If my roommate was here, I would torment him a bit more. But he had been missing for a few days. Did he die?

My body jerked as I launched to my feet, poised as I listened.

What just happened?

Fingernails drummed on the wall outside my room. A chair squeaked as it was dragged across the floor. The cop took the gun from the holster at his side and held up a hand for me to stay back. A gurgled scream was cut short, and the sound soft sound of retreating footsteps quickly vanished. The metallic scent of blood hung in the air. Red liquid crept under the door and crawled under towards us.

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