Skye Pierce - Challenge One

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User: RedSkyBatGirl567

Skye smirked as she saw guys lined up against walls. She mentally noted that these will be her first flirtees.

"Hello." She winked at a jock.

"What's up babe?" The jock winked back. Skye walked on, knowing she had a chance. She didn't know his name, but she knew that she'll get him.

Skye had been a great note passer, her being popular and all. She had to take a note to somebody's locker asking about if they like her or not.

"Such idiocy. I can't believe people don't have the courage to ask the person by themselves. I should really teach them." Skye walked past some of the thots in the school. She smacked her lips together, earning a few jocks attention. The thots had a shocked expression on their face, but Skye shashayed on. "It won't be long until I rule this school." She grinned to herself. Skye walked up to the locker and slipped the note inside. The students didn't know that Skye will take the school by a whole storm.

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