Jane Rundolf

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User: perditapongo

Name: Jane Rundolf

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Occupation: Vice Principal

Appearance: Tall, slim, long light brown hair, brown eyes

Celebrity look alike- Emma Watson

Likeability: Quite popular, but no one likes it when she gets annoyed!

Personality: Nice, funny and clever with a pretty smile, sometimes gets in a temper if she doesn't get what is best for everyone, quite mysterious

Background: She's never really said where she comes from, but she went to a posh private school and university

Relationships: None as of yet as she doesn't know anyone yet

Extra: Only came to the school as Vice Principal because she had a good record last year, the school decided to keep her on because she did a good job despite the fact she is only 29, and she was organised and brought a smile to everyone's faces.

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