Leia White - Challenge One

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User: DisneyWorldInfoQueen

As I sat in the auditorium waiting for musical auditions to start, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and a handsome boy, probably a year older than me, started to talk to me.

"Hey, I'm Rodney. What's your name?"

"I'm Leia." He snickered.

"Like in Star Wars?" I glared at him.

"No, like a girl who is sitting here thinking unspeakable things about you right now. Why are you even asking to me?"

"Well, there is going to be a party tonight. We are all going to meet here after dark. There is an epic sound system here, so we plan to take advantage of it."

"And you are telling me this why?"

"Well, we have been keeping it pretty hush-hush, but we are all allowed to bring a plus one. I wondered if you would be my plus one?" I sat there thinking for a moment. It is the beginning of the school year, so I don't really have homework, but I could get in trouble for sneaking out. I look at Rodney.

"Well, I guess I could find the time in my busy schedule to come."

"Great! Be here by 8."


Hours later, at 7 I started to get ready. I put on a blue knee length dress, a crystal necklace that my father gave me when I was 10, blue flats, and a golden brooch that had been my mother's. I didn't put on any makeup (it's a waste of time, effort, and money), but I took time to tie my hair into a braid.

As I walked to the auditorium, I was afraid to be spotted, so whenever I saw a member of the faculty, I ducked down behind the bushes. My hair didn't look as good by the time I got there, but I had time to fix it. After standing for about 2 minutes, Rodney came up to me.

"You look really pretty." I blushed.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." He smiled and led me into the back door of the auditorium. The door lead onto the stage, so when we walked in, everyone saw us on the stage. The music was blaring, and I saw multiple couples making out in the balcony.  I also noticed that there wasn't just water, lemonade, and soda to drink. There was beer, wine, and all sorts of alcohol. Rodney tried to hand me a suspicious bottle. I refused.

"Oh, come on! It's a party. Eat, drink, and be merry!" He handed me a beer bottle. I sipped it. I then gagged at the taste and handed him back the bottle.

"Yeah, you mentioned eating? Where is this food?" He walked me over to the "food table" which consisted of chips, a couple pizzas, and assorted deserts. I grabbed a full bag of chips and walked down towards the orchestra pit where I could eat them in silence.

I didn't see Rodney until I had finished about half of the bag of chips. He wanted me to follow him. He lead me up to the balcony. It didn't take me long to realize what was going on. He smelled strongly of booze, and when ever he talked, he slurred his speech. Then as we were standing there, he grabbed my arm and tried to shove me into one of the isles. I kicked his leg and ran through the isle and kept backing towards the stairs not realizing where I was going. I fell down the stairs backwards and passes out.

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