Leonidas Ramirez - Challenge Four

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User: KnightoftheRealm

I've never been so happy to see the sun rise.

We've had a heck of time last night. Between keeping watch, patrolling the floor, and remaining alert for any small noise or movement, our nerves are frayed. Coffee made the other kids jittery, but drinking it made me feel sleepier. Desperate to stay awake, I goad Adam into challenging me to a chip eating contest. Bryn joins in, but needless to say, I won.

Then, I while I'm on watch, my partner won't shut up. I may or may not yell at them, and it might be possible that I trip one of our traps, but it's definitely not true that I throw up in the hallway.

At least, I think that's what happened. Everything's a little fuzzy after I guzzle a liter of Mountain Dew to stay awake at 2 am.

By the time the sun came up, we're exhausted, cross, and ready to get away from each other. Suddenly, a muffled crackling sound fills the room. It sounds like the PA system in the hall has just been turned on.

"Macbeth has been caught, but we urge you to be on guard for further attacks. Thank you."

"Now I have to return all the stuff I 'borrowed' without the police noticing," Ariadne groans as she rolls her eyes.

Anxiety shows on her face, causing me to blurt out, "Don't worry. You can leave it here for now," I add, "then swing by and return it after the dance. It'll be easier to lug everything across campus in the dark." She flashes me a grateful smile.

Amidst tired grumbles and frustrated groans, the five of us put away our stuff and take down the traps we set up last night. After a little while, the girls head back to their dorm, chattering about the dance, with Adam trailing behind them.

"Students and Staff, I am pleased to announce a School Dance for tomorrow night in the Courtyard. You may dress formal, and have dates and do everything else you high schoolers do at these things." Blackwell's voice drips with disdain, and I can hardly believe what I'm hearing. A party? Now? Revulsion washes over me at Blackwell and Bennett's callousness, but I feel some regret that the school will be closing.

I spend the next few hours packing before dropping exhausted into bed. The next day, I clean up the crumbs from our chip-eating contest, and read my old comics until I hop in the shower a little before the dance. When I come out, I pad over to my closet, ready to wrestle myself into my evening attire.

While I tug on my too-short slacks and tie on my gleaming shoes, I realize I haven't seen Bryn for a while. Bryn knows how to take care of himself, I think, trying to brush away my worries. Besides, the murderers had been caught. Right?


Frantic, I look through Bryn's notes and charts about the murder. According to his data, Hamilton only confessed to five murders, and four of the bodies were "artistically" mutilated by the painter. That means that seven of the killings were committed by an unknown perpetrator.

At least one killer was still on campus.

Letting out a curse, I shove Bryn's papers back onto his bed. I'd lost my phone so I couldn't text Bryn, but I could still try to make sure the others were ok. Ariadne and Danielle were probably together. Adam had left with them...but he was probably alone now.

As I struggle into my shirt and jacket, I catch a glimpse of shiny black material on my bed. Ariadne's weapons and body armor are still there. Quickly, I tear off the clothes I'd put on seconds earlier and buckle one of the bulletproof vests on over my undershirt. I finish dressing, swipe a brush through my hair, and place the weapons and armor in my backpack before racing over to Adam's dorm.

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