Danielle Wilde - Challenge Four

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User: Robyn63xo

What did ms. Blackwell have planned now? First the theatre incident, then the gym and now a dance! What was she thinking?

Have they not learned that putting us together in big groups is a bad idea? It's when the most murders happen. Some people seemed to disagree though, loud screams and shrieks of excitement filled my ears. Which was soon followed by quick footsteps running to who knows where.

Sighing I knew that their was nothing else they could do and at least they were trying.

Instead of being terrified every second and paranoid about this murderer on campus I was just gonna go with it. Knowing just the thing, I texted Joan to meet up in my room in 10 with a dress and makeup. After that I left my dorm leaving the door open for Joan and made my way down the hall and a flight of stairs towards Ariadne's room.

It was time for us girls to have fun. I knocked on her dorm room door with an unnecessary force. "Ari! Open up!" I call out with excitement bubbling inside me.

Not long after the door is yanked open by a frustrated Ariadne. Sending her a smile I step inside. "Did you hear about the dance?" I ask.

She raised her eyebrows sarcastically letting me know she did. "I think someone in Canada didn't hear that squealing fest. Of course I heard it!" She says once again sarcastically.

Ignoring her sass I cut to the chase. "Ok great! Are you going?" I ask.

"Nope." She replies rolling her eyes.

Okay something is up. I turn to her bored and frustrated figure and instantly know something is wrong. As my expression softens and turns into concern I ask "Ari what's wrong?" Already slightly having an idea of what's bothering her.

"Dani, you have to be smart enough to figure it out." And she was right, I could see right through her.

"If you mean the fact that someone is going to die at the dance, then yes I do know." I tell her while placing one hand on my hip and raising my eyebrows in a knowing way.

She stares at me with a shocked and surprised expression. "If you know then.." She starts off, but I cut in.

"We deserve a little fun, we're still teenagers after all."

She gives me a worried glance. "But.." She starts off trying to find the right words. "If we die it's permanent, Dani. We're not coming back! This isn't a game."

She does have a point, but if we all lived like this; afraid of death, it'd be chaotic. To me death is a natural thing that nobody is ready for, but will happen. You either got to accept that or try too.

"You can't let it control you Ari! Don't you see? This is what the murderer wants! They want us to be scared, so scared that we can't even be happy. If you don't go, you're playing right into the murderer's hands! Besides would you rather live a short life happy or a long life miserable?" I finish off looking at her and raising my eyebrows suggestively.

She reluctantly nods and mumbles "short life happy."

"Exactly. Now come on! Don't make me drag you out of here." I threaten knowing she'll listen.

Linking arms with her we start the short journey back to my room.

"I don't even have a dress." She complains as we're walking up the flight of stairs.

"Uh.. Yes you do!" I say knowing that she'd have more dresses than me.

"What?" She asked clearly confused. I then remembered her dress I had packed.

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