Clove Dahlia - Task One

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User: kayahandbeth

Ugh. I'm back yet again. I can't wait to leave in the summer. I see the freshmen, some of them even look, dare I say , excited? Well they are in for a suprise. The classes are easy but it's the people that really irritate me. The weathers too hot and i think my hair my go frizzy. Well, frizzier. There's some faces i recognize and others are new. Maybe there will tolerable new kids this year. I really hope i get Mr. McGraw again he was actually pretty cool and he doesn't take away my headphones.

The principal is giving a tour with some of the parents. Im still just walking dragging my 3 suitcases and a shoulder bag. I hope my parents still ship the rest of my stuff that I'll need.

I put the suitcases down for a second and put in headphones so i dont have to hear kids yelling at others how they haven't seen them for a while.

I go and get the room im gonna be in and put my stuff there and read on my phone until orientation.

—-After Orientation—- Im walking around and I jear a scream and sirens.

Thats my cue too leave.

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