Adam Black - Task Three

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User: Ej21vf

"Hey-" a girl was cut off as the lights go out just as it was in the auditorium. The memory's start to flash back hearing the screams of innocent lives that were taken that day.

People start to scream as I hear Leo's voice "Ari, Dani, Adam , Joan are you there?!" He yells desperately as they mix in with the screams of terror from the students. But I knew they were out there the last killer. Plotting there next kills, I swallowed saliva at the thought as a see Leo's face from the small ounce of light that's coming from the door.

Wait where's Joan "Where's Joan!" I yell to have my voice heard from the screams that were dying down.

"She was next to me a second ago." Dani said "I think she was heading for the exit.

She pointed to the small light and the outlines of bodies leaving. "We've got to get out of here. I don't want to be dead remember the auditorium?" She questioned and a shiver rolls down my back. That day was one of my worsts I was terrified. "I don't want to end up as freaky art."

"Safety in numbers. If we go for the main exit, we'll get separated by the crowd." I said

"I saw an emergency exit when I got water," Aridadne said "it's next to the lockers."

I picked my bag and everyone followed suit running towards the emergency exit. The lights flick on slowly some of them flickering like a creepy horror movie. Dani gets to the door first and rammed into something no someone as they let out an "oof" as they both hit the floor.

We jumped on the floor pining the person down. As Aridadne helped Dani up.

"Guys stop-- it's me!" Bryn whispered "let's get out of here it's not safe out here, ill answer your questions latter." Leo nods and I mumble a small Ok

As we resume our running as we ran out the quad and the warm humid air was like a thick sweaty wall. As we all look around as this could be our last time ever breathing!

But Bryns reason for for getting out was different he had a different reason for escaping the gym. He saw a murder.

"I found Edan Morez in the locker room Leo he's dead too." Bryns face grimaced and Aridadne gasped. "I found him when I went to the restroom his, his body was on the floor. His wrists were slit as if he killed himself."

Leo stuck his hand out to give a type of comfort. But compared to the murder that has just happened that's life scaring material. "I left when the lights were out so I don't know if the killer was still around, so I head to the nearest exit."

"I'm pretty sure the schools going to close now." Dani said "with all the murders there's no way it can keep running."

"What should we do next?" I asked "I don't think police can keep protecting any more."

"We need to protect our selfs." Aridadne said

Leo takes out some pen and paper, Beginning to jot something's down.

An idea came to my head that I couldn't just let the idea pass "We could get a fort! Finding a place where to use as home base would make it easier for us to survive until the killers caught and we can go home."

Heads bob around me as I smile finally making a contribution. "Any suggestions?"

Places are called out but none are to fantastic because of the supply of food and size. "What about a dorm? It has windows, it's small enough to defend and it has enough room to store us."

"Great suggestion," Leo said "but whose dorm? remember, food and weapons are our priority." No one seems to have weapons or some snacks.

"What about my dorm?" Leo suggested looking around the room.

Bryn nods "my sport equipment can be used as weapons as for food well, Leo has a box and fridge full."

"Looks like Leo is a gluten and a nerd" Dani jokes breaking the tension and making people laugh.

"Sure dani," he said but I'm a gluten that will save your bacon."Aridadne punches Leo in the shoulder for a Horrible joke he scowled and then said "if you have anything you want to bring over well stop by your dorms and you can grab it." Leo said "stick together no matter what."


We get to weathersby hall two hours after we left the gym. watching for the painter cost us time that we needed. At least we're not dead. We walked into Leo's dorm as Bryn locks the door and we barricade ourselves in by pushing the sofa to block the door. And I put the desk under the doorknob as well.

The girls go into the bedroom as Aridadne calls us over "come over here." We walk in and our eyes pop out of there sockets in her hands are tasers bulletproof vests, a gun and extra ammunition.

"Where did you get that." I said breathless

"Do you guys remember Beth Rose? The first girl killed. She was my roommate," she paused her eyes watering for a second. "When the police arrived they took over her side of her room and used it as a place to store their weapons. They used to keep everything locked tight, but we got lucky today."

"Food, water, weapons." Bryn counts off. "It looks like we'll get out of this school after all."

"My feelings exactly," Leo said in excited because tomorrow I know I'm going to be safe.

The rest of the afternoon is spent making plans for the escape we have signals in case we see anything like the painter and we have patrol every 2 hours and we set up warning signs on the elevator and stairs made from random things. We also used parts to make weapons. Leo's on the computer surfing the web looking for news.

When night falls I'm ready, we're ready. No alert, we have weapons and prepared. Tonight there's no way that any of us are going to die.

As we sneak out into the dark night with the stars shining everyone on high alert.

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