Jane Rundolf - Task Two

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User: perditapongo

Three deaths, two murderers and two suspects. I don't know what to think. I just want to go back, back from today, last week, last month, right back to before I applied for this stupid job. I mean, even though I've always wanted to be a teacher,  and I love it really, I knew this school would be a bit of a long shot. At first I loved it, and was really looking forward to this year, but now it's gone out of hand. And now the police! I bet Arabella Blackwell brought those in. Now you can't even go anywhere private, even sometimes to the loo without them following you! Arabella walks in now.

"Please will you go outside and wait for two children? They're our newest suspects. Adam's waiting in the office." I nod, and walk out. After a few minutes, a smallish girl walks along the corridor, looking scared. I ask,

"Have you been called out?" She nods her head. "Did you do it?"


"Okay." I pat the lockers next to me, and she leans against them like I do. Then, a boy walks up, and I ask, "Bryn Hafer?" I ask. He nods. "Good. Shall we go inside?" I usher them into the office then walk to mine. It's very near with a little glass bit to see into the entrance/reception, so I can hear most of what goes on. Adam and Arabella mainly ask a few questions, before they all go out of the building, led by police. Lily is shaking, and Bryn is looking around, trying to find a way out of this mess. Sometimes people make me feel sick. This is one of the cases. The children are obviously terrified! If it doesn't get sorted out, I might leave at the end of the year, assuming I don't get killed first. I try to get back to the work I'm supposed to be doing on the computer, but I can't. I decide to go for a walk. I get past the police and go around the grounds, for a long while. Because I can only really be happy when I'm walking, and free.

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