Gabby Caperealla - Task One

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User: BreakingShards

I was working on printing the schedules for the students when Adam motioned me and Jane to follow him to meet our fellow staff member. My hands was hot and sweaty, I went pink as a rose. We were outside in the bright sun when a limousine drove into the courtyard.

A woman with brown hair clumsily stumbled out of the cab. "Arabella! Welcome back!" said Adam. The woman, who I believed was Arabella says, "Adam, good to see you again. I see you never left high school." I smile slightly, it sounded like they were old friends to me. "Wasn't that the plan?" replies Adam. Jane and Arabella exchanges smiles and handshakes before Arabella turns to me. I stumble forward and give a sweaty hand out to her. "Hello, I'm Gabby Caperella. It's great to meet you," my cheeks blushing pink as a rose. "Arabella, the pleasure's mine." she says as she takes my hand. "Well!" she says, pulling her hand away. I turn pinker as she wipes her hand on her skirt. We walk inside as Arabella and Adam discuss about the day plan and speeches and other things. I glance at them as we reach the office. "Um... I'll just be..." I walk into the office and shut my office door shut.

I take a deep breath. Well I did okay for a first impression with Arabella, hopefully I will get to know more in the future. I sit down and continue my work.

I hear a earth-splitting scream that burst through my ears. I walked toward the screams and saw a limp body, a boy's to be precise and a girl sobbing over the body. I turn pale. I tell some teachers to control the crowd and run to find Adam. He arrives at the same time as I do. "A boy is murdered." I say to him. I show him the crime scene, he looks for a moments and tells me to get the police. I call the police station before putting my hand over my mouth, my eyes shut. Tears start to stream through the lids. I took a deep breath before continuing to work on my work, thoughts swirling through my mind in shock.

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