Adam Black - Challenge One

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User: Ej21vf

I head out of my dorm prepared for my task at hand. I have to sneak out of my dorm and go to the secret dorm as some people call it.

"Hey watch it!" An angry junior yells at me as I bump into him.

"Oh shut it." I tell him as I continue on. The end of the hallway comes into view as I approach the last dorm, I quietly knock on the dorm and prepare myself for the terrible thing or things. that come out of this door.

The door slowly creeks open and smoke is blown into my face. "what do you need." a mysterious person asks me from the safety the cracked open door.

"give me a 12 pack, but put it into a brown life saver bag." I told him after a second he replied.

"15 dollars." I picked the money out of my wallet and put it in the hand that barely grassed the light of the hallway.

He kicked the bag out of the door and shut the door and locked it. I picked the alcohol up from the ground and hurried back to my dorm. I wasn't taking my chances with that murder around. My best bet would probably to request a school switch, but then my parents would complain that I'm too far.

I shut the door behind me as David quickly extracted the illegal liquid from my hands. "Thanks a bunch Adam, I really was counting on you for this party, wait do you want to come it will be fun. You might even meet someone there."

"eh, why not." I agreed knowing that it would just be a bunch of frat boys getting drunk and girls trying to just get a piece of them.


The party was just getting started when we arrived. The frat house was on campus, because your not allowed to leave campus without permission. We walked up to the door and opened it. immediately the booming music from the beat pills were blasting, alcohol was being poured and drugs were being done.

Everywhere you look something against the rules was being done 'I wonder what would happen if someone told a campus security about this.'

We walked in unnoticed by anyone David was instantly separated from me as a group of friends noticed me and pushed me towards there group. They were playing a game. called suck and blow: A game where you sit next to two people and everyone who is play sits in a circle. a paper square is then passed between two people by sucking and blowing on the piece of paper. The goal of the game is to not drop the paper if you do then you have to kiss the person that you dropped it with.

Most of the people in the group were already drunk so most of there words were slurred anyway. The game began next to me the first guy sucked on the small square and passed it along the paper dropped about three time before me. The paper was passed to me and I turned suck on the paper hard carful not to drop the paper.

I realized that the person I was passing to was a guy. I manned up and began passing it I blew the paper the moment I felt the pressure of his lips on the other side of the paper. He sucked and carried on. I breathed a sigh of relief as I got up to excuse myself to go to the bathroom. when I was in I pulled out my phone I had four new messages.

'Hey have you heard of the newest murder '

I quickly responded

'Yeah its sad to see some go'

I put my phoned away and pretended to flush the toilet and wash my hands. I walked out of the bathroom and was instantly offered a beer I denied and started to leave because I hade to read over a paper for one of my classes tomorrow. I got into my car and started to drive back to my dorm. the caution tape was still up at the murder scene. I slowed down to get a good look for a second. I swore I could of saw someone but I kept on driving. I had to be back quickly. I arrived and ran to my dorm. I wasn't paranoid, bugtt I was paranoid.

I worked too hard to get here and I can't just throw it away. I had to be the smartest student at my last school, and even that is still a close call around here.

I flopped onto my bed going to sleep getting ready for the next day.

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