Adam Black - Challenge Three

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User: Ej21vf

I breath in the fresh air as it might be the last one for a little bit. I walk into the gymnasium hoping that nothing bad is going to happen. No not hopping.


I wanted to survive not die I will fight for my life if I'm attacked. At least the lock down was in the gym where people can play sports!

I walked in looking around to see if anything is happening. The teachers were on height alert watching us like Hawks. On the side there was basketballs and sport equipment scattered around.

Our state of the art gym was huge, humungous even! One one side doors lead to a fitness center with new equipment every year. The gym could fit two full size basketball courts. A group of people were gathered around and I noticed that they were my group of athletic friends. I start to walk over to them as I hear all the doors close and lock. 'Looks like were trapped now.' I thought

I made it over to the group and we started talking about random things. Then Dani come up to us with a girl I never have seen before. "Guys this is my cousin Ariadne." She introduced to our group of friends.

"Ariadne, this is Adam." She said pointing to me as I give a small smile and wave "this is Leonidas." She said pointing to Leonidas. "And the girly you see sleeping with dirty blonde hair is Joan she's my best friend!" She told her cousin

Her cousins cheeks heat up for a second it looked like she was embarrassed "Hi" She said shyly but it turned out more...awkward.

I look over her again and then introduced my self properly "Hello Ariadne I'm Adam black I'm a senior so this is my last year, and it really is going off with a ban." She laughed for a second as the other introduced themselves. Dani walked over to Joan and talked before saying out loud

"How about a friendly game of ball." I shrugged and said yes while Joan only shrugged.

"Cone on Joan, it'll help you get your mind off of things!" Dani said trying to convince her.

She rolled her eyes and agreed "oh okay."

The teams are split into boys V girls. 3 V 2 The boys team didn't really play any position because we only had two members. "Half court rules." Dani said and I agreed "your going down Adam, you to Leo."she said

"First one to 60 wins." She challenged us.

The girls got into position and they started with the ball as Dani started dribbling away at full speed and made the shot!

The game was really fun because our group got to get together again and play a nice game of basketball. The game ended in our favor 60-54 "Haha we won" I said giving Leo a high five. " In your face Danielle" I yell jumping around.

"I-I was going easy on you." She said and an angry pout came over me. That was a really fun ball game and it lasted the entire lockdown because the doors opened a minute latter. Sami had a smile on her face for the rest of the day.

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