Danielle Wilde - Task One

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User: Robyn63xo

I woke up earlier today than usually excited for my first day back at Carter Hollow. I had finished all my packing last night because I couldn't wait. I knew my dad was probably downstairs making breakfast and Dylan was probably still asleep since he started school later where he goes, so I decided to take a quick run to calm my nerves a bit.

My jog I took was on a bike path near my house. I liked running there because it was quite and had a nice welcoming vibe to it. Running helped clear my mind and I knew it would help me strengthen my legs for soccer and track. I passed by an old couple and it made me want that when I got older someone to love and grow old with, but my luck with boys isn't so great.. I checked the time and realized I needed to head back now if I wanted to have time to shower.

Once I got back I rushed up to my room skipping two stairs at a time, but also being quite to not wake my brother or else I was in for it.

I walked into my connecting bathroom and turned on the water, waiting for the temperature to be just right. I striped down from my pyjamas and hoped in feeling my muscles relax already. I washed my hair with my favourite vanilla scented shampoo before washing down my body and shaving. Once I felt clean and satisfied with myself I jumped out wrapping myself with a white towel and my hair with another.

I found my uniform waiting for me on the corner of my dresser. It's one of the few uniforms that I liked and thank god the skirts weren't any shorter. Since I had a small waist, and was of medium height my skirt falls almost three inches above my knee which was short enough for me. Unlike some girls who roll it just below their ass. I shivered in disgust when the thought of the girls last year came into view. In my opinion I'd rather wear pants, since I'm not the kinda girl into skirts or dresses, but what can I do?

I finished by brushing out my hair and leaving it in its natural waves falling just under my boobs. I applied a light amount of mascara to my eyelashes and was ready to go. I slung my dark purple school bag onto my back before bringing down my huge black suitcase and grey soccer bag, and a bag for my track and volleyball gear thank god the rest of my stuff was brought the week before because just this is really heavy and I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't. Reaching the bottom stairs and kitchen entrance I called out. "Morning dad! I'm heading out earlier today so I'll just have an apple." I told him grabbing my car keys and an apple.

"Okay sweetie, are you sure?" He asked a bit concerned about me not eating.

"Yes dad, if you want I'll pick myself up something on the road." I told him but wasn't gonna do.

"Okay, have a good first day and call me when your classes are done. Don't get into trouble on campus Danielle.. I'm warning you, I don't want to drive out there as much as I had to last year." He said almost begging me.

I kinda felt bad because I gave him a hard time last year since we weren't as close.. "Don't worry about me dad, I'll be a good girl. Tell Dylan I said bye, and that I'll miss him." I smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek before heading out to my black jeep.

I threw my luggage into the back and jumped in placing my key in the ignition starting my baby up. Campus was only about an half hour drive from hear which wasn't to bad. I turned the radio up listening to my favourite tunes while munching on an apple.

For what seemed like only 15 minutes I was already pulling into the open gates of Carter Hollow. Luckily for me their were a lot of parking spaces left and one was beside my best friends blue mustang. I pulled in before grabbing all my luggage and stumbling to campus while throwing the core of my apple out.

I had the same dorm room as last time so I didn't need to search for it like last year. Finally making it up to my room I threw all my stuff down a bit out of breath, and  looked around at all the stuff I needed to unpack and sighed before deciding I'll do it after.

I locked up taking the dorm room key with me before heading down to where they'll be holding the welcome speech to the freshman and new students. Looking around I spotted Joan and gave her a hug, "Hey girl! I missed you." She laughed pulling away, "I missed you too Dani!" We shared a smile and chatted a bit before we were interrupted by Adam Black our principle.

"Welcome to the Carter Hollow Academy and a new year of learning!  I hope you all will enjoy your experience here and will work hard in your studies."

He started and continued his speech while some people whispered.

"Lastly, Id also liked to introduce Arabella Blackwell. She will be evaluating our campus and student progress this year. Thank you and have a great day."

He finished and everyone applauded some even cheered.

"Welcome students to Carter Hollow Academy, I'm happy to be here with you and I look forward to watching you all grow over the course of this year. I hope that you can all leave this school with the same level of appreciation for it that I did. Have a great year!"

She seemed nice I thought while people once again applauded.

By now most people were heading their own ways. "I'll catch up with you later Joan, I'm gonna head back to my dorm and get some stuff sorted out before classes tomorrow.

"Okay, I'll see you around Dani!" Joan said happily before wondering away with excitement in her eyes.

I was about half way to my dorm when I heard a loud scream of terror. I looked around until I seen a couple students around a tree and more rushing to the scene. I don't know what came over me, but I started sprinting to the scene something telling me I had to know.

I pushed through a couple of people before seeing a lifeless body of a boy laying on the ground. I gasped in shock definitely not expecting this, and felt myself go light headed and felt myself loosing my balance, but someone steadied me. I looked back and didn't recognize the guy, but mumbled a polite thank you.

I can't believe someone is dead on the first day of school.. People that were gathered around we already mumbling and whispering probably already starting rumours, while a girl was off talking to Arabella and Adam.

Not long after policeman showed up making us clear the area and put up the yellow caution tape around the tree and body. They covered the boy with a white sheet, and one of the officers were talking to the girl who I'm guessing came across the scene first, along with Arabella and Adam.

I didn't think this was an accident, I think someone meant for this innocent boy to dye.. I'm thinking someone murdered him and this murderer is somewhere here on campus among us.

I may be wrong, but I'm not taking any chances.

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