Joan Holmes - Task One

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User: Mermaid1211

I woke up an hour earlier than I needed to. I kind of regret it because my mom hadn't left for work yet. I got up and showered. I put on my uniform, which I actually sort of like.  I threw my hair in a high ponytail and put on some light makeup. I got dressed and ran downstairs. My mom was standing by the kitchen counter with a glass of water in one hand and her eyes on me.

"You ready for today?" She asked.

I nodded. I was ready. I had packed everything I needed the night before. She then began her yearly speech about success and working hard and making myself prepared for college and blah blah blah....

"I know, mhmm, yup.." The words almost echoed as they slipped from my lips. I just managed to swallow my sorry excuse for breakfast. A granola bar and a bottle of juice. All the while my mom continued to lecture me.

"Yes mom..., I know mom..." I muttered she didn't seem to care. I knew the whole speech by heart.

Anyways I grabbed my keys,and  bags, and kissed mom's cheek, before leaving.

"Bye mom, love ya." I said as I shut the door behind me.

Mom was probably still talking, but I honestly didn't care. She gave me that speech every year, like I said, and this year wasn't any different. Mom and dad have great expectations for me, and hearing them just gets me nervous. Besides I just wanted to get to school before the traffic got bad, and I wanted to meet up with all my friends. I'm a bit of an early bird and I'm always prepared. Well most times I am. I got in my blue Ford Mustang and began the drive to school. I blasted the radio as I usually did. One of my favorite songs was on. "Chandelier" by Sia. I sang along to myself not really caring that I can't hold a note to save my life.

I glanced over to my right as I stopped at a red light and noticed the boy in the car beside me was from school. I only knew because I had seen his car before in the parking lot. I didn't recognize who he was. I shrugged,looked forward and drove on as the light turned green.

Although the boy tugged at my curiosity for some reason. I brushed it off. I figured I would find out sooner or later who he was..I wasn't wrong.

I got to school and pulled in. I realized that the boy pulled in behind me. I also noticed he had a girl sitting beside him in the passengers side. I parked my car and saw that he parked somewhere else. I lost sight of him as other cars were coming in. Even though I was early it seems I wasn't the only one. I got my stuff together and began to walk on campus. I locked my car before I got to the main door. I went inside. And that was when it actually hit me.

I am a year closer to graduation, one more year until my parents hate me.

I remember sighing.

My true passions, journalism and soccer, they'd never approve of those. I don't want to be a famous doctor or lawyer. I don't want to go to some Ivy League school like Harvard just to be someone I'm not. I am not ready for this school year to start. I don't want it to start. But then again, do I have a choice? No. So I guess I'll suck it up. At least I know I can handle high school.

I looked around and headed to the boring but required orientation. I looked for Danielle and my cousin Adam. I couldn't find them in the crowd. I sat through the short welcome speech but I was really observing everything. Silently noting the details and trying to ignore my slight nerves.

After the welcome speech ended I began to go to the dorms. I felt myself being watched. It's funny how I can sense that sometimes. I get intuition. I peered over my shoulder and saw some freshman looking at me. He looked away immediately and I shrugged. I wasn't gonna go over and introduce myself and give the whole "welcome to carter hollow" speech. I normally would, but I just felt myself being pulled away to the other direction. I walked a bit faster but suddenly a scream broke my pace. I stopped in my tracks and followed it. Instinctively I pulled out my notepad and pen. As I approached I saw that a girl was sobbing. In the chaos I heard the word, "murder" and my interest grew. What could've happened. I pushed my way through the crowd and caught a glimpse of the lifeless body. I gasped. It was the boy I saw driving earlier. Administrators soon cleared the scene. I saw a girl who looked new, but important. I wanted to interview her. I wanted to get the story. I wanted to find out more from the girl who was sobbing. But I held back. I knew that I would get nowhere and it was best if I stayed Invisible to these people so I could snoop and investigate later. I quietly backed away and tucked my notepad away. I walked to the dorms trying to look indifferent. People here know my curious nature (not to mention I write for the school paper) and often try to get info from me, but I need to stay out of it for now. After all some one was just murdered, I can't just jump right in, the best things come to those who wait.

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