Thirty Nine: Rebellion

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×× Skylar ××

After a long day of classes, Skylar was physically drained and also tired of Romeo avoiding her. She wanted answers and she wanted them now.

She waited anxiously for Romeo to show up at the coffee shop. She hadn't even touched her ice tea or the cookies she always spoke so highly about.

When Romeo finally walked into the coffee shop, she didn't look happy. Romeo knew what Skylar wanted and she realised there was no point trying to avoid the topic any further. It was emotionally tiring trying to duck and dive each time she saw Skylar and she realised she owed her an explanation. Especially since Skylar hadn't really pushed for answers.

"I was about to leave." Skylar said.

"Sorry. I had to speak with my lecturer about this new assignment." Romeo pulled out a chair and sat down.

Skylar nodded.

"How are you feeling?" She asked Romeo and offered her a cookie.

Romeo gladly took it.

"Well, school's taking its toll on me. I need to start working my butt off."

"You know I wasn't talking about school, Romeo."

Romeo blushed.

"You wanna know about me and Za." She nodded slowly.

"I've been dying to know. And I was worried sick about you vanishing like that when we went to Justin's and Alfredo's apartment."

"Sorry I didn't return your calls or texts. I was... busy."

"Doing what?"

"Being... with Za." Romeo shoved the cookie in her mouth to avoid having to explain anything any further.

"Being with Za?" Skylar knew what Romeo meant but she was in denial. There was no way Justin could've been right.

Romeo nodded and a grin formed on her face.

"You and him?" Skylar asked.

Romeo nodded again.


Romeo shrugged.

"It just happened, I guess." She said, "One minute we were being awkward then he started talking then I started talking then it escalated to an argument then we... went to his place to... work it out."

"And you spent the night!"

"He was really sweet about it, okay? He's actually a nice guy."

"When he's working on getting in your pants."

"No," Romeo blushed. "He's generally nice. He's just usually an ass to be funny but, behind that, he's... he's nice."

"I'm sure his D game was on point. Look at you." Skylar teased.

Romeo laughed.

"Girl!" She said.

Skylar giggled.

"So are you two a thing now?"

"No." Romeo was quick to say, "He hasn't asked me out yet."

"You're so high maintenance." Skylar shook her head. "You already gave the booty up."

"He needs to ask me. Just because we got it on, doesn't mean he's my boyfriend."

"Well I hope you say yes when he asks."

"I'll think about it." Romeo flipped her hair.

"Think about that night." Skylar smirked.

Romeo blushed.

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