Seven: Rich boys and their emotions

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×× Justin ××

Once the girls had left Justin's dad's house and Xavier and Alfredo went to run their own errands, Justin checked the house one more time for any evidence of last night then headed to his car and drove to the apartment he shared with Alfredo.

Alfredo was the wise one of Justin's friends, which made it easy for Justin to pick him as a roommate instead of Xavier who, no offence to him, was really a distraction. Alfredo was also neat like Justin and was usually out doing things with his camera so most times, Justin had the apartment to himself.

The apartment wasn't too far from the university. It was almost in the heart of Atlanta. It was a beautiful red bricked building that didn't look too pricey, and Justin liked that about it.

He was never into flashy things but he grew up with them and adapted. And even though he tried not to, sometimes he caught himself falling for material things like getting the latest iPhone or a new car.

He set his car keys on the kitchen counter and made his way to the his bathroom to take a well deserved shower. Justin had an assignment due but he couldn't bring himself to do it because his head wasn't in the right place. All he wanted to do was sleep or distract himself by watching TV.

He dried off and put on a pair of clean boxers and a pair of sweat pants along with a t-shirt then he went to the living room to see if there was anything interesting to watch.

Justin spent a lot of time on his own. He didn't usually mind it but the silence was always an invitation for painful thoughts so he was constantly in search of a distraction. Xavier would suggest Justin get laid but that wasn't really Justin's thing. Alfredo would suggest a hobby but Justin thought he already had a couple.

He liked photography-- Alfredo's influence-- but he was never really good at it and he never really had the time for it. Between studying business management like his dad had made him, and hanging out with the guys or throwing parties, Justin just felt he had nothing left inside of him. He wrote from time to time but he didn't have much inspiration for that either.

Since losing his mother and little siblings in a car accident some years ago, Justin hadn't been the same. He thought he needed help but he was too proud to ask for any. He'd lost interest in the things he once loved. He never even told his friends or spoke about how he really felt. Each time they were around, Justin put on a smile and acted like life was good.

Now he had his silly emotions over Skylar to deal with. It was as if he wasn't really allowed to be happy anymore.

Before Justin could find reasons to beat himself up, the door opened and in walked Alfredo with two pizza boxes and his backpack that he always carried around.

"Hope you're hungry, Bieber." Alfredo smiled at his best friend and set the food on the coffee table.

The pizza smelled good to Justin. So good that he couldn't help but smile.

"I take it you don't wanna cook tonight." Justin got up and went to get some soda from the fridge for him and Alfredo.

"Nope. I have too much work to do." Alfredo said.

He got his camera and laptop out of his backpack and placed them next to him on the couch.

Alfredo studied film making and photography at a different college to Justin's. His family was also supportive of Alfredo's dreams, which Justin envied, but he never said. He hoped Alfredo made it as a director though because he was really good at putting films together.

Justin handed Alfredo a can of soda as he sat on the couch again.

"I took some good photos from the party last night. Wanna see?" Alfredo smiled and opened his laptop. He'd already loaded everything onto his Mac Book.

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