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In the days that followed, Rebecca and Freen found themselves inseparable. They became each other's constant companions, sharing every moment and creating memories together. From quiet meals at home to adventurous outings exploring the city, they embraced each opportunity to deepen their connection.

Freen made a conscious effort to be present for Rebecca, prioritizing her needs and desires above all else. Whatever Rebecca wanted, Freen was there to support her, offering a listening ear and a reassuring presence. Whether it was a spontaneous shopping trip or a leisurely stroll through the park, Freen was always by Rebecca's side, ready to indulge her whims. Its always a 'yes' from freen for rebecca.

Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, fueled by moments of laughter, intimacy, and shared experiences. They found solace in each other's company, finding comfort and joy in the simple act of being together. Through their laughter and tears, they forged a deep and unbreakable connection that transcended words.

As they navigated the ups and downs of life together, Rebecca and Freen discovered the true meaning of partnership and unconditional love. They cherished every moment spent together, knowing that their bond was a rare and precious gift to be treasured for eternity. And in each other's arms, they found solace, strength, and a sense of belonging that surpassed all expectations.

In addiction, freen's potential at the Chankimha Group seem passing Apo. Her project was nearly to finish, while apo's not. And that's making apo frustrated and anger building in him, as freen conscious about this.

But, all this happiness slowly disappeared.

After another few days, Rebecca couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in Freen's behavior. It seemed that Noah had become the center of Freen's world, occupying more and more of her time and attention. While Rebecca understood the importance of family, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that gnawed at her heart.

Each time Freen mentioned Noah's name, it felt like a dagger piercing through Rebecca's chest, a painful reminder of the growing distance between them. She tried to brush off her concerns, convincing herself that Freen's bond with Noah was natural and expected. But deep down, she couldn't shake off the feeling of insecurity that lingered in the back of her mind.

As days turned into weeks, Rebecca found herself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions – jealousy, frustration, and fear. She longed for the closeness they once shared, yearning for Freen's undivided attention and affection. But try as she might, she couldn't deny the growing chasm that threatened to drive them apart.

Despite her inner turmoil, Rebecca remained silent, unwilling to confront Freen about her feelings. She didn't want to come across as needy or insecure, fearing that it would only push Freen further away. Instead, she plastered on a smile and pretended that everything was fine, even as her heart ached with longing.

Freen frequently said she's having something with Noah, or she want to spend time with him. And that's making rebecca overthinks everything. She can't help but to feel like that. And today is the same. Freen is still with that behaviour.

"Freen... lets go to the park? I want to have an ice cream."Rebecca's grip on Freen's arm tightened as she desperately sought the comfort of her presence. The subtle scent of Freen's perfume wafted through the air, mingling with the faint sound of insects outsides.

Noticing freen already in her good outfit, rebecca couldn't help but to wonder this. "Where are you going?" Rebecca's voice wavered with a hint of desperation, her eyes imploring Freen to stay. "Let's go to the park? Please?" Rebecca continued, slightly shaking her arms.

Freen's smile faltered momentarily, a flicker of guilt passing through her eyes as she gently disentangled herself from Rebecca's grasp. "Bec... not today, please?" Freen's tone was gentle yet apologetic. "I have things to do for Noah. I have to go shopping with him since he will go to school later. Okay?"

Rebecca's heart sank like a stone in her chest, the hope draining from her eyes as she realized she would be alone once again. Despite her disappointment, she forced a small, strained smile in response. "Okay, Freen," she murmured softly, her voice tinged with sadness.

She felt a pang of disappointment shoot through her heart, the ache of longing intensifying with each word Freen spoke. It was becoming increasingly clear that Freen's priorities had shifted, and Noah now occupied the forefront of her attention. Noah. And nita.

As Freen turned to leave, Rebecca watched her retreating figure with a heavy heart, feeling the weight of their crumbling relationship pressing down on her shoulders. She longed for the days when they were inseparable, when Freen's presence brought warmth and comfort to her soul. But now, it seemed like those days were nothing more than distant memories, fading into the abyss of what could have been.

With a heavy sigh, Rebecca retreated to the confines of her thoughts, grappling with the painful reality of their fading bond. She knew that unless they addressed the growing distance between them, their relationship would continue to unravel, leaving behind only echoes of what once was.

Rebecca's mind churned with a whirlwind of questions and doubts, each one fueling her growing sense of unease. Why was Freen acting differently? Was there something she had done wrong? Was there someone else occupying Freen's thoughts?

As the weight of uncertainty settled upon her shoulders, Rebecca couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal creeping into her heart. Why, when she had opened herself up to Freen, had Freen begun to pull away? Had she misread the signs of affection and closeness between them?

The fear of rejection gnawed at Rebecca's insides, threatening to engulf her in a sea of doubt and insecurity. Despite her best efforts to remain optimistic, the nagging voice in her mind whispered of impending heartbreak and disappointment.

But amidst the turmoil of her thoughts, a flicker of determination sparked within Rebecca. She refused to let fear dictate her emotions or dictate the course of her relationship with Freen. She would confront Freen, seek answers, and fight for the love she believed they shared.

With a newfound resolve, Rebecca steeled herself for the difficult conversation ahead, determined to uncover the truth behind Freen's sudden change in behavior.

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