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Rebecca sat on the edge of the bed, her arms crossed tightly against her chest, a scowl marring her features. She couldn't shake the feeling of frustration that gnawed at her, fueled by the sight of Freen surrounded by those adoring girls. It seemed as though Freen had effortlessly slipped into the easy camaraderie of their group, leaving Rebecca feeling somewhat excluded.

An hour had passed since they arrived at the villa, yet Freen hadn't returned to their room. Rebecca's irritation grew with each passing minute, her mind swirling with thoughts of Freen's newfound closeness with the other girls. She couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy that simmered beneath the surface, a mix of insecurity and frustration bubbling within her.

As she sat there, the silence of the room weighed heavily upon her, amplifying her discontent. Rebecca knew she should communicate her feelings with Freen, but the stubborn part of her resisted, clinging to her pride even as her heart ached with longing for Freen's presence.

"Where the hell she is?! She's that liking playing with those girls? Ugh." Rebecca mumbles alone, rolling her eyes and groaning out of frustration.

Suddenly, The door creaked open, and Rebecca's eyes snapped to attention as Freen stepped into the room, her presence immediately stirring a storm of emotions within Rebecca. Freen's damp clothes and disheveled appearance told a story of playful indulgence, and Rebecca's heart sank as she realized where Freen had been – frolicking in the pool with those girls.

Freen's eyes met Rebecca's, and the guilt in her gaze was palpable. She closed the door softly behind her, a silent acknowledgment of the tension that hung heavy in the air. With each step towards Rebecca, Freen's demeanor shifted from confident to hesitant, her words catching in her throat as she approached her wife.

"Baby..." Freen's voice was soft, almost pleading, but Rebecca's fury burned bright, her anger bubbling to the surface like molten lava.

"Is it good?! Huh? Is it good playing with those girls?!" Rebecca's voice sliced through the room like a knife, her accusation hanging heavy in the air.

Freen swallowed hard, her resolve wavering under the weight of Rebecca's piercing gaze. She searched for words, for an explanation that could soothe the fire in Rebecca's eyes, but none came.

"Baby, They're just in their 20s. They're—" Freen began, but Rebecca cut her off with a sharp retort, her anger boiling over.

"And me?! Isn't I'm also in my 20s? Then you still could marry me, could touch me, could make a baby with me! It's just the same, Freen! They are girls! Women!" Rebecca's words were a torrent of frustration and hurt, each one driving a wedge deeper between them.

Freen's shoulders slumped in defeat, her gaze falling to the floor as she nodded in resignation. She reached out tentatively, hoping to bridge the chasm that had formed between them, but Rebecca recoiled, her wounded pride refusing to yield.

"Okay, baby... okay... I got it. I'm sorry..." Freen's voice was barely a whisper, a fragile offering of contrition, but Rebecca was not ready to forgive. She yanked her hand away, turning her gaze away from Freen as she took her seat on the bed once more, the space between them a silent testament to the rift that had formed between their hearts.

Freen watched as Rebecca's facade crumbled, her attempt to hide her jealousy crumbling under Freen's gaze. With a pout, Freen took a seat beside her, her eyes pleading for reassurance.

"Are you jealous? Are you still mad at me?" Freen's question hung heavy in the air, and Rebecca's scoff was almost dismissive.

"No. Why should I be jealous?" Rebecca's words were sharp, but Freen could see through the facade, sensing the lingering resentment beneath the surface.

Freen couldn't help but smirk at Rebecca's denial, her amusement evident in the curve of her lips. She reached out, gently cupping Rebecca's chin and turning her head to face her.

"Then say 'I love you' to me." Freen's request was simple, a test of the unspoken bond that bound them together. But Rebecca's reaction was anything but cooperative.

Rebecca push Freen's hand away, her frustration evident as she rose from the bed, her words laced with bitterness. "Go ask those other girls," she retorted, her tone cutting as she walking away leaving freen.

Freen couldn't suppress the chuckle that escaped her lips, the tension between them momentarily forgotten in the face of Rebecca's thinly veiled jealousy. Despite her denial, Rebecca's actions spoke volumes, confirming what Freen had already suspected – she was indeed jealous. Freen only could chuckled, and adoring how her wife is literally jealous right now. How cute.

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