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With a sense of resolve settling over her, Rebecca reached out for the bouquet, her fingers brushing gently against the vibrant petals. Despite the lingering uncertainty in her heart, a thin smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she cradled the flowers in her hands.

The scent of the roses enveloped her, filling the air with their sweet fragrance and stirring a sense of warmth within her chest. With each delicate bloom that she touched, Rebecca felt a flicker of hope ignite within her—a glimmer of possibility amidst the tangled web of emotions that bound her to Freen.

As she held the bouquet close to her heart, Rebecca knew that despite the challenges they faced, there was still beauty to be found in their connection. And with each petal that she gently caressed, she vowed to cherish the love that they shared, no matter where their journey might lead.

God, she's down bad for freen and she know this.

Suddenly, rebecca's finger slowly grab the small pink paper that placed between the petals. Her breath caught in her throat as she unfolded the delicate paper, her heart pounding in anticipation. With trembling fingers, she traced the elegant script that adorned the page, each word sending a wave of warmth coursing through her veins.

As she read Freen's heartfelt words, tears welled in Rebecca's eyes, blurring the lines of the letters before her. The sincerity in Freen's message washed over her like a gentle tide, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within her chest.

"I can't wait to have you in my arms again, baby," Freen's words that she wrote echoed in Rebecca's mind, their tenderness seeping into her very being. The admission of longing and desire struck a chord deep within her, igniting a fire that burned brighter than ever before.

Rebecca's heart fluttered with a myriad of emotions as she continued to read, her breath hitching at the depth of Freen's love and devotion. The image of Freen lying in their shared bed, searching for her scent, filled Rebecca with a sense of longing so potent it left her breathless.

"And god, I realize of how much I want you beside me, on my bed, and in my life," Freen's words on the paper resonated with Rebecca, echoing the sentiments that lay buried within her own heart. The depth of Freen's affection washed over her like a tidal wave, leaving her feeling simultaneously vulnerable and cherished.

As she reached the end of the letter, Rebecca felt a tear slip down her cheek, her heart overflowing with love for the woman who had captured her soul so completely. "I love you, Rebecca. My little wife," Freen's declaration of love sent a surge of warmth coursing through Rebecca's veins, enveloping her in a cocoon of love and acceptance.

In that moment, as she clutched the letter to her chest, Rebecca knew with unwavering certainty that she was exactly where she belonged—in the arms of the woman who had stolen her heart in the most profound and beautiful way possible.

As the day unfolded, Rebecca couldn't contain the radiant smile that graced her lips. The warmth of Freen's words lingered within her, casting a glow that seemed to illuminate her entire being. Despite the lingering uncertainties that lay ahead, Rebecca felt a sense of contentment wash over her—a fleeting moment of pure happiness that she knew she had found in Freen.

And after reading this, rebecca even doubted of what Nam told her about freen. Freen is so cold? Doesn't know how to treat woman? and clueless about other persons? Then this?!! Gosh. Why freen looks like a pro player when with her?! Fuck. God.

Rebecca couldn't but to feel a total victory.

Yet, even as she basked in the warmth of their connection, Rebecca knew that her journey with Freen was far from over. She had learned the hard way that love was not without its challenges, and she refused to let Freen win her heart so easily. There were obstacles to overcome, hurdles to face, and battles to be won. But with Freen by her side, Rebecca felt a newfound sense of courage and determination stirring within her.

"It's a long way to go, my handsome husband," Rebecca whispered to herself, her voice tinged with determination. She knew that their journey would be filled with twists and turns, highs and lows, but she was ready to face it all with Freen by her side.

And as she gazed out into the world with renewed hope and optimism, Rebecca knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she was prepared to fight for the love that she had found in Freen—a love worth every obstacle, every sacrifice, and every triumph along the way.

But, freen need to fight for her first. Freen need to win her first. Everything is not easy, freen sarocha.

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