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"You got a thin endometrium, Rebecca."

Rebecca's heart sank at the doctor's words, her grip on Freen's hand tightening reflexively. The news hit her hard, sending shockwaves through her body as she struggled to comprehend the implications.

"W-what does that mean, doctor?" Rebecca stammered, her voice trembling with uncertainty and fear.

The doctor paused her examination, offering Rebecca a reassuring smile as she gently cleaned up. "It's nothing to worry about, Rebecca. Having a thin endometrium is quite common. It just means that the lining of your uterus is thinner than average."

Rebecca listened intently, her mind racing with questions and worries. The doctor's calm demeanor helped to ease some of her anxiety, but the uncertainty still lingered.

"Women with thin endometrium may have a slightly lower chance of getting pregnant, but it doesn't mean you're infertile," the doctor explained gently. "You and your husband may just need to put in a bit more effort and patience."

Rebecca bit her lower lip hard, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill over. The weight of the news was heavy on her shoulders, but she refused to let it break her spirit. However, she couldn't help but to slowly teary, and lastly those tears drop against her cheek.

"Thank you, doctor Rina" Rebecca managed to say, her voice shaky but grateful. She turned to Freen, seeking comfort and reassurance in her steady presence.

"hey dont cry. Its okay. I didn't care about it. Okay?" Freen rub her back. Rebecca felt a rush of emotions welling up inside her as Freen comforted her, her touch a soothing balm to her frayed nerves. She nodded in response to the doctor's words, though her mind was still consumed with worry and doubt.

"Did you guys already, uhm... have sex?" The doctor's question caught them off guard, prompting a moment of awkward silence between the three of them. Freen cleared her throat, breaking the tension as she answered honestly.

"Yes, doctor. Several times, and many times actually. Especially this month. That's why Rebecca was expecting this more," Freen replied, her voice tinged with a hint of embarrassment but more to a comfort one.

The doctor nodded understandingly, her demeanor warm and reassuring. "Don't worry. You'll get there soon," she said with a gentle smile, reaching out to rub Rebecca's shoulder softly.

Rebecca tried to take solace in the doctor's words, finding a glimmer of hope in her comforting presence. "Thank you, doctor," she murmured again, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You're normal, Rebecca," the doctor reassured her, her tone filled with empathy and understanding. She knows how rebecca is thinking, and she knows how hurt it is. "Trust in God, and one day, he will bless you when the time is right."

Rebecca nodded, her heart heavy with uncertainty but clinging to the doctor's words like a lifeline. Deep down, she knew she would keep trying, no matter how difficult the journey ahead might be.

After the checkup, they made their way back home as Rebecca's mind was a whirlwind of anxious thoughts. She couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that gnawed at her, questioning her worth as a woman and a potential mother. What had she done wrong? Why was she facing this challenge? Was she somehow abnormal, defective in some way?

The weight of uncertainty pressed heavily on her shoulders as she grappled with the possibility that she might never conceive. It felt like a cruel twist of fate, robbing her of the joy and fulfillment she had envisioned for herself as a mother.

With each passing moment, her doubts grew louder, echoing in the confines of her mind like a relentless refrain. She longed for reassurance, for some glimmer of hope to cling to amidst the darkness of her fears.

But as they neared home, Rebecca knew she couldn't let her doubts consume her. She had to stay strong, to keep pushing forward despite the uncertainty that loomed over her. Perhaps, with time and perseverance, she would find the answers she sought and the happiness she yearned for. Slowly, freen grasp for her hand, rubbing it softly and giving her a tint smiles. At that moment, Rebecca knows, how broken she is, freen will always beside her no matter what. Right?

A hot widower's wife || FreenBecky (G!p) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat