ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 67

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At the other side, In a fit of frustration, Apo crumpled the project paper in his hand, his jaw clenched in anger as he watched the news of Freen's press conference unfold on the television screen. The sight of Freen confidently reclaiming her position in the business world ignited a fire of resentment within him.

"She's back," Apo muttered through gritted teeth, his mind swirling with thoughts of how this setback would affect his plans. Freen's resurgence threatened to overshadow his own ambitions and make it harder for him to regain the trust and attention of their family's company.

As the images of Freen and Rebecca flashed across the screen, Apo's grip tightened on the crumpled paper, his frustration reaching its peak. He knew that Freen's return marked the beginning of a new chapter in their ongoing battle, and he was determined not to let her win.

Apo's mind raced with schemes and plans, each one more ruthless than the last. He was consumed by a burning desire to crush Freen, to see her fall from her pedestal and suffer the consequences of her actions. Hatred fueled his every thought, driving him to concoct schemes so devious they would make even the most hardened villain blanch.

With a steely resolve, Apo vowed to stop at nothing to achieve his goal. He would manipulate, deceive, and betray anyone who stood in his way, all in the name of destroying Freen and reclaiming what he believed was rightfully his.

As he plotted his next move, Apo's eyes gleamed with a dangerous intensity. Freen may have returned to the fray, but she had no idea what she was up against. Apo was determined to show her just how far he was willing to go to see her downfall.

He wont let freen win.

Never. Chankimha's Group is his's. That what he believe.

Besides that, The announcement of Freen's return to Chankimha Group sent shockwaves through the royal family. The grandmother, the queen, and the king were taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. For years, they had tried to persuade Freen to return to the family business, but she had always resisted. Now, without any prompting from them, Freen had made the decision to come back on her own.

The suddenness of Freen's decision left the royal family with many questions. What had changed? What had prompted Freen to finally agree to return to Chankimha Group after all this time? Despite their surprise, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and happiness knowing that Freen had chosen to follow in their footsteps and take up her rightful place in the family business.

Plus, they always know that freen is good and amazing in business.

As they pondered the implications of Freen's return, the royal family couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was about to unfold. They knew that Freen's decision would have far-reaching consequences, both for the family and for the future of Chankimha Group. But for now, they could only wait and see what the future held.

Suddenly, during their clueless and weirdness, Freen's unexpectedly coming back to the Palace sparked a flurry of questions from her parents and the grandmother. They couldn't comprehend why she had chosen to come back to Chankimha Group after all this time. The grandmother, in particular, was eager to understand the reasoning behind Freen's decision.

"What changed your mind, Freen?" the grandmother inquired, her tone laced with curiosity and concern when freen just step towards the living room, approaching them with rebecca beside her.

Freen's response was simple yet profound. She turned to Rebecca, her expression softening as she looked at her wife standing beside her. "Rebecca," Freen answered, her voice steady. "Because of Rebecca. Nam said my wife deserves the best. And I'd give her the best. My company." Freen said, making those excuses and reasons.

Rebecca's eyes widened in surprise and admiration, touched by Freen's declaration. Despite the gravity of the situation, her heart swelled with love for her determined and devoted husband. God. She really want to shove freen with her hands, stopping freen from sweet talking like this!

The grandmother and Freen's parents exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging the depth of Freen's commitment to Rebecca. Though they may not fully understand the intricacies of their relationship, they respected Freen's decision and her unwavering dedication to her wife.

With a nod of understanding, the grandmother accepted Freen's explanation, recognizing the sincerity and love behind her words. As the evening settled over the Palace, a sense of unity and purpose filled the air, with Freen and Rebecca standing together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the opulent chamber of the palace, tension crackled in the air like electricity when Apo, cutting their conversations. His features contorted with anger, confronted Freen and challenged her authority. "You think I'll let you come back?" His voice sliced through the air like a blade, sharp and biting.

Freen, undaunted by Apo's hostility, met his glare with a cool gaze, her lips curling into a confident smirk. "Why, is it because you're afraid to compete with me?" she retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Rebecca, sensing the escalating tension, gently reached for Freen's arm, her touch a silent plea for calm. But Freen, fueled by determination, refused to back down in the face of Apo's aggression.

"I am the chairman!" Apo's voice thundered, his words reverberating off the walls of the chamber. "There is no position for you here." Apo said, they both glaring towards each other as if they were killing and stabbing each other in their mind.

The grandmother, seated regally at the head of the room, rose from her chair, her presence commanding attention. "Enough!" she commanded, her voice cutting through the cacophony of voices. "There will be no decisions made until I have spoken."

"Apo, freen, I gave you some times to proof to me that either one of you is suitable to hold the company. With that, i'll immediately annouce you as a chairperson and also the heir of the chankimha Group." The grandmother continue again, making freen smirks become wider, as she stares to Apo sharply.

Freen, seizing the opportunity to assert herself, stood tall, her gaze unwavering as she addressed her grandmother. "I am not afraid, Grandmother," she declared boldly. "I accept your challenge."

The grandmother's eyes softened as she regarded her granddaughter, pride evident in her gaze. "Very well," she said, her voice firm yet fair. "Let the competition begin."

With a triumphant smirk, Freen turned on her heel, grabbing and gracefully leading Rebecca out of the palace. As they departed, hand in hand, Apo seethed with rage, his fists clenched in impotent fury.

The battle for control of the company had only just begun, and the stakes had never been higher. As they stepped into the compound, Freen turned to Rebecca, determination burning bright in her eyes. "We've got work to do," she said, her voice tinged with excitement. "But together, we can face anything." Rebecca smiled, her own resolve strengthened by Freen's unwavering confidence. "Let's do this, We will win together." she said, her voice filled with determination.

And with that, they embarked on their journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With their bond unbreakable and their spirits undaunted, they were prepared to fight for their future, no matter what obstacles stood in their way. Will this be successful and easy like they thought?

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