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As the night unfolded, Freen still enjoyed the carefree moments spent with Noah, completely oblivious to Nita's covert actions. With a bright smile adorning her face, she savored the simple joy of holding Noah's hand as they strolled along while Nita following from behind.

Little did Freen know, Nita harbored ulterior motives, fueled by resentment and a desire for retribution. Each step she took was a calculated move in a sinister game, designed to manipulate Freen and orchestrate events to her advantage.

As they arrived at the restaurant, the scene was set for Nita's devious plan to unfold. With practiced precision, she discreetly slipped a sleeping pill into Freen's drink, concealing her actions behind a facade of normalcy.

Unaware of the danger lurking within her glass, Freen continued to engage in animated conversation with Noah, her laughter filling the air with warmth and light. Oblivious to the impending threat, she raised the tainted drink to her lips, taking a sip without a second thought.

Meanwhile, Nita watched with a mixture of anticipation and satisfaction, her plan set in motion. With each passing moment, she inched closer to achieving her sinister goal, fueled by a toxic blend of envy and resentment.

Slowly, As the effects of the sleeping pill began to take hold, Freen's eyelids grew heavy, her movements sluggish and unsteady. The world around her blurred and faded into darkness as she succumbed to the drug's powerful embrace,  wanting to fall into a deep and dreamless slumber.

Freen's eyes fluttered, her vision blurring as a heavy lethargy draped over her like a suffocating blanket. The world around her seemed to tilt and spin, her senses dulled by an unrelenting fatigue.

"My head... why am I so sleepy?" Freen's voice quivered, her words sluggish and disjointed as she struggled to maintain coherence.

Noah's small hand reached out, his fingers trembling with uncertainty as he watched his daddy's sudden actions. "Mommy! Daddy—-" his voice cracked with worry, desperation lacing his words.

"Daddy's just tired, Noah. Don't worry," Nita's voice was unnervingly calm, a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding before them. With practiced ease, she reached for her phone, her fingers moving with purposeful urgency.

"Daddy, wake up! What's happening?" Noah's pleas grew louder, his eyes wide with fear as he witnessed his daddy's rapid descent into unconsciousness.

"Just stay calm, Noah. Everything will be okay," Nita's reassurance felt hollow, her gaze fixed on her phone screen as she punched in a series of numbers, her actions shrouded in secrecy. She call for someone.

After for a while, nita started talking onto the phone. Nita's voice was cold and composed as she issued orders into the phone, her words carrying a sinister undertone that sent shivers down the spine of anyone within earshot.

"Yes, take her. Make sure she doesn't wake up until we're ready," Nita's instructions were precise, devoid of any hint of remorse or hesitation.

As she hung up the phone, a devious smirk played across Nita's lips, her eyes gleaming with malicious intent. The pieces of her plan were falling into place, and nothing would stand in her way. Nita's lips curled into a triumphant smile, her victory assured. With Freen incapacitated and vulnerable, she seized the opportunity to advance her agenda, setting the stage for the next phase of her cunning scheme to unfold.

Nita's eyes glinted with a vindictive gleam as she stood over Freen's unconscious form, her mind buzzing with a sense of triumph. With every passing moment, her confidence swelled, fueled by the belief that she had finally secured what she desired most – dominance over Freen.

Her lips curled into a self-satisfied smirk, a testament to her unwavering determination and cunning manipulation. In her mind, she replayed the events leading up to this moment, relishing each calculated move she had made to bring her closer to her goal.

After for a while, some men coming to lift freen As when she watched the scene unfold before her, a sense of superiority washed over Nita, enveloping her in a cocoon of self-assurance. She reveled in the thought that she alone held the power to control Freen, bending her will to suit her own desires.

With a triumphant flourish, Nita extended her hand, gesturing for her men to carry out her next command. As they moved to execute her orders, she stood tall and resolute, a picture of unwavering determination.

"No one could have you, Freen," she murmured, her voice dripping with smug satisfaction. "It's me. It's always been me." Each word rang out with a sense of finality, echoing through the air as a testament to Nita's unwavering resolve.

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