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The alarm rang in the morning with a persistent urgency, its shrill tones cutting through the silence of the room like a sharp knife. Each iteration seemed to grow louder and more insistent, a relentless reminder that it was time to awaken from the comforting embrace of sleep.

As the sound echoed off the walls, it pulled at the threads of consciousness, coaxing the sleeper back to the realm of wakefulness with an undeniable urgency. With each successive ring, a girl groaned and stirred in her sleep with her eyelids fluttering open before she tap the alarm clock on her side table roughly.

"Ughh...." With a yawn, she stretched her arms above her head, feeling the warmth of the morning seep into her bones.

Rolling out of bed, Rebecca shuffled across the room to her wardrobe, where her outfit for the day awaited. She carefully selected a vibrant sundress, adorned with splashes of color reminiscent of a canvas awaiting her artistic touch.

With practiced precision, she began her morning routine, brushing her teeth to the rhythm of the ticking clock and her hums. As she stood before the mirror, she tied her hair into a loose bun, leaving a few strands to frame her face. With a final glance at her reflection, Rebecca smiled, ready to share her passion with the world. She's convincing and telling herself that she will do better and amazing today! Yes, she will.

Glancing to the side of her bed, there it is, a picture that framed beautifully. Her favourite picture.

A picture of she and her soon to be husband, Non which is currently her fiance. A wide smile plastered on her lips, thinking that she will meet her fiance at the event today. "See you soon, non." She mumbles with her sweet smiles. Non is her fiance that she admit, she was the one that likes him first. With dates and constant meeting with Non at her family's mansion since Non is her childhood friend, rebecca couldn't fool herself that she likes him.

Eager anticipation danced in her eyes as she gathered her art supplies, each brush and palette chosen with care.

Stepping out into the crisp morning air, she felt a surge of excitement course through her veins. Today was the culmination of weeks of hard work and dedication—a chance to showcase her creativity to an audience eager to be inspired.

With a skip in her step, Rebecca set off towards the gallery, her heart brimming with anticipation for the day ahead. As she drive and walked, the world seemed to come alive around her, each moment filled with the promise of endless possibilities. Today is the day where she will present and tell the world of how good she is in art, wanting to make her parents proud of her. That's her real goal.

Wanting to attract, or making her parents love and proud her.

Ops. Her foster family - wanting to make her foster family love and proud of her even more.

Yeah, you hear me right? Rebecca is not a family by blood with her whole family. She was adopted when she's 6 years old. And from that, she's here, staying with Armstrong family as Rebecca Patricia Armstrong. A family that known in business industries, and a family that come from high class in society.

She's a 20 years old girl that had graduated from her studies. She graduated excellently in Arts and Designs, scoring perfectly in every examinations and even becoming a example student for her university. That's why she decided and really love to continue her career as an artist. An art artist that shows and presents her gorgeous painting.

Rebecca embodies a captivating blend of intelligence, beauty, and a commendable personality that leaves an indelible impression on all fortunate enough to encounter her. With an intellect that shines brightly in any setting, she navigates the complexities of life with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a keen analytical mind. Her intelligence is not merely confined to academic pursuits but extends to a profound understanding of the world around her, effortlessly engaging in thought-provoking conversations on a wide array of topics.

Beyond her intellectual prowess, Rebecca's physical beauty is nothing short of breathtaking. With features that seem meticulously sculpted by an artist's hand, she possesses a natural allure that commands attention without ever needing to seek it. Her radiant smile lights up the room, and her eyes sparkle with an inner warmth that draws others to her like moths to a flame. Her perfect love shaped lips, her pointed western nose, and her perfect teeth, ots all attracting peoples. Yet, despite her undeniable physical attractiveness, it is her inner beauty that truly sets her apart.

She's gorgeous. And exceed to gorgeous. She's undescribeable.

At the core of Rebecca's magnetic charm lies her exceptional personality. She exudes warmth and kindness in every interaction, effortlessly putting others at ease with her genuine sincerity and compassionate nature. Her empathy knows no bounds, as she possesses an innate ability to understand and empathize with the struggles of those around her. Whether offering a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, or words of encouragement, she approaches every relationship with a generosity of spirit that leaves a lasting impact

In every aspect of her being, Rebecca embodies the epitome of a well-rounded individual, seamlessly blending intelligence, beauty, and a heart of gold. She is a beacon of inspiration and a true testament to the limitless potential of the human spirit.

But, yes, there is buts. But, she's anti with people that rude. If they're being rude or looking down onto her, she will surely do it too. She hold the motto "What you gave, i give you back." That. Besides that, she's perfectly kind and respect to peoples unless to a rude, arrogant person.

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