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The days passed in a whirlwind of activity as Freen and Rebecca returned to their usual routines. Freen immersed herself in the bustling atmosphere of the company, while Rebecca diligently managed her own company too.

Despite their busy schedules, they found ways to support each other from afar. Freen would send encouraging texts and call during breaks, while Rebecca would share updates about her company's progress and seek Freen's advice on important decisions.

Their evenings sometimes were filled with shared dinners and long conversations, where they would discuss their respective days and dreams for the future. Freen admired Rebecca's dedication and entrepreneurial spirit, while Rebecca admired Freen's leadership and determination.

Even though they worked in separate spheres, their bond remained strong, fueled by love, trust, and mutual respect. They knew that no matter where their careers took them, they would always find solace and support in each other's arms. Plus, even though they are separated in the morning, at night, they will coming back and being home towards each other over again.

Today, rebecca was so busy. She sat at her desk, a mountain of paperwork spread out before her like a daunting challenge. She let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through her hair as she tried to make sense of the endless stream of documents demanding her attention.

With a heavy heart, she picked up her office phone and dialed Mark's extension, knowing that she needed his help to tackle the workload. Moments later, Mark appeared at her office door, his charming smile lighting up his face as he entered.

Mark is a personal assistant at Armstrong Group. He was undeniably handsome, with chiseled features and a disarming smile that never failed to make rebecca adore him as a ordinary human. He also have a good heart, But behind his friendly demeanor, Rebecca knew that Mark harbored feelings for her that went beyond professional admiration.

"Hey, Rebecca. What can I do for you?" Mark asked, his voice warm and eager as he stepped further into the room. Despite the chaos of the day, Rebecca couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at the thought of unintentionally leading Mark on with her friendly demeanor.

"I need your help with these reports," Rebecca replied, gesturing towards the stack of papers on her desk. "There's just too much for me to handle on my own."

"Of course, Rebecca. I'll get right on it," Mark said, his gaze lingering on Rebecca for a moment longer than necessary before he turned to retrieve the documents. As he bent over to pick up the papers, Rebecca couldn't help but notice the way mark was looking towards her.

Pushing aside her conflicting emotions, Rebecca forced herself to focus on the task at hand, knowing that she couldn't afford to let her personal judgment cloud her in the professional setting. But as Mark worked diligently by her side, Rebecca couldn't shake the feeling that mark is making her a little bit uncomfortable. But yeah, mark never disturb her overboard before.

As they worked together, Rebecca and Mark found themselves in close proximity, their hands occasionally brushing against each other as they arranged the papers on the desk. Each accidental touch sent a jolt of electricity through Rebecca, her heart racing with a sensitivity. What? No, no way mark is purposely doing this?

Suddenly, after some 'unintentional' brushed, its become a real touch. Their hands collided, causing Rebecca to gasp in surprise. Her fingers tightened around the paper, anchoring herself against the unexpected contact. When she looked up, she found herself locking eyes with Mark, his gaze intense and penetrating.

For a moment, the air between them crackled with unspoken tension and with a click of the office door, and a familiar voices hearing, rebecca knows, this is the exact moment she's done.

"Rebecca???!!!" Freen's temper flared as she witnessed Rebecca and Mark's seemingly intimate exchange. Her jaw clenched, and her fists tightened at her sides as a wave of anger surged through her.Freen's voice was sharp, cutting through the air like a knife. Both Rebecca and Mark turned to look at her, startled by the intensity of her tone.

In shock, rebecca quickly pulled her hand and so do mark. Rebecca gulped, her eyes widened and at the moment, gosh only god knows how her heart pounding out of shock, nervous and everything! Fuck, freen is mad Fuck!

Freen's hands curled into fists at her sides, her nails digging into her palms as a surge of anger washed over her. Her chest tightened with a mixture of betrayal and hurt as she struggled to process the scene before her.

"What's fucking going on here?!" Freen demanded, her eyes narrowing as she fixed her gaze on Rebecca. She could feel the heat of her anger radiating off her skin, fueled by the sight of Rebecca and Mark's closeness and hands touching each other.

Rebecca's expression shifted, her eyes widening with surprise at Freen's sudden outburst. "Freen, it's not what you think," she began and stood uo from her seat, but Freen cut her off with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"I don't want to hear it." Freen snapped, her voice cold and cutting. She turned on her heel, her heart heavy with hurt and betrayal, and stormed out of the office, leaving Rebecca and Mark standing in awkward silence.Fuck, she's done. Rebecca is freaking mess up, knowing freen is terribly mad over this misunderstanding.

Rebecca knows how bad freen is when she's mad, and look, just now freen likely looking like she was about to rush and kill Mark. But freen knows herself better. Freen quickly walking away, afraid she will burst her madness in front of rebecca, and including towards rebecca.

"I was fucking coming here to bring you for a date. But you're fucking lovey dovey with that fucking man." Freen groaned, her teeth grinding and jaw clenching, as she grip and hit her car's steering hardly. While rebecca? She was glancing towards Mark and slightly glaring to him.

"I had a husband. Behave yourself." Rebecca coldly said, making Mark slightly raise his eyebrows before he bow and sighing defeatly. "Got it, rebecca." He said, and started to walking away from her and without knowing, a tint smirks plastered on his lips out of satisfaction.

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