ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 77

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Its all passed, the day turn from wet rainy days, goes to a shiny one, and sometimes turned to a dark gloomy day.

Right now, freen and rebecca was having the weekend at home, slending their time alone despite their lack of communication and confession. But, they both didn't feel this awkward anymore. Little kisses, little flirty smiles, or actions, that's all comes natural, and so do those little annoying moments.

Right now, Rebecca lay on the couch, her hand clutching her stomach as pain radiated through her abdomen. It was a dull ache at first, but now it felt like waves of sharp cramps were coursing through her body. She curled into a ball, trying to alleviate some of the discomfort, but it only seemed to intensify.

Freen, noticing her distress, rushed over from the kitchen where she had been preparing tea. "Rebecca, what's wrong?" she asked, concern etched into her features as she knelt beside the couch.

Rebecca winced, unable to form coherent words amidst the pain. She simply shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

Freen's worry deepened. She reached out to gently touch Rebecca's forehead, checking for any signs of fever. "Do you need me to call a doctor?" she asked, her voice tinged with panic.

Rebecca managed to shake her head again, though it was a feeble gesture this time. She felt nauseous, the pain in her stomach making her feel lightheaded.

Freen's mind raced, trying to think of what could be causing Rebecca's distress. Had she eaten something that didn't agree with her? Or was it something more serious?

"Rebecca, can you tell me where it hurts?" Freen asked, her voice soft and soothing as she tried to comfort her wife.

Rebecca managed to speak through gritted teeth. "It's... it's my stomach," she gasped out, the pain intensifying with each word.

Freen's heart clenched at the sight of Rebecca in pain. She knew she had to do something, and fast. "Okay, just hang on," she said, her voice trembling slightly as she rose to her feet.

Rushing to the kitchen, Freen quickly grabbed a glass of water and a hot compress. Returning to Rebecca's side, she helped her sit up and took her hand in hers. "Here, try to drink some water," she urged, holding the glass to Rebecca's lips.

Rebecca took a few sips, trying to ease the dryness in her mouth. The water provided some relief, but the pain persisted.

Freen then placed the hot compress on Rebecca's stomach, hoping to alleviate some of the discomfort. "I'm going to stay right here with you," she reassured her, her voice filled with determination.

Rebecca managed a weak smile, grateful for Freen's presence. Despite the pain, she felt a sense of comfort knowing that Freen was by her side.

As they waited for the pain to subside, Freen gently stroked Rebecca's hair, whispering words of comfort and encouragement. And in that moment, amidst the pain and uncertainty, their bond grew even stronger, anchoring them to each other in the face of adversity.

But not long after that, Rebecca's abdomen twisted with a sharp pang, causing her to double over in pain. She reached out for Freen's hand, her voice barely above a whisper as she pleaded for relief. "F-freen... uh.. please—- help me to the toilet.." Rebecca groaned in pain as Freen's worried expression mirrored her own discomfort, but she remained steady, offering her support in any way she could.

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