Chapter 70: Daybreak (6)

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"'ll be too weak without me..." Half of the final disaster's face was twisted in fear, while the other half stood defiant.

Despite the precarious situation he found himself in, Jung Youngho foolishly looked at the boy in-front of him.

"Kiddo, is it you?"

With a strained face, Eun HaNa eventually took over control over the body, holding his arms close to his chest and gouging his nails into his arms. He shakingly looked over at Jung Youngho with a smile.

His smile confirmed the answer to Jung Youngho's question.

"Tell me, what can I do to help?" Jung Youngho prompted anxiously, knowing of an internal struggle within Eun HaNa.

Eun HaNa shook his head in a silent refusal.

As if in pain, Eun HaNa flinched and pursed his lips, wincing as he willed his body to move back. He was trying to put as much distance there was from Jung Youngho.

The boy took one step, then two steps, three steps...

Eventually, Eun HaNa was forced to stop not too far away.

"Can't...hold them back for much longer..." Eun HaNa's eyes bristled with struggling clarity over the black sclera after becoming an undead.

"Kiddo!" Jung Youngho cried out desperately.

Eun HaNa convulsed as he waged his internal battle, squeezing his eyes shut, knowing his grip over his body was slipping little by little.

The undead stood on stand-by, watching Eun HaNa with rapt attention, waiting for the return of their sovereign. Their bodies caged in the two people on the stage playing out their last act.

It was only a matter of time.

"Ahjussi...Noona...please get away from this place." Eun HaNa struggled to speak.

Upon Jung Youngho's face, I saw the same despair he had when he watched the boy being overwhelmed by the stampede in the first scenario. Although the situation was different, Jung Youngho was once again faced with the same powerlessness.

It mattered not that he had higher stats or skills.

In the face of this, Jung Youngho was just as helpless as his past self.

But suddenly, with eyes red with madness, sorrow and regret, Jung Youngho looked back at me.

[Incarnation, 'Jung Youngho' is...]

I was startled, while his eyes lit up with a tiny spark as he saw something only he could.

Without hesitation, Jung Youngho dropped his halberd.

It clattered to the ground beside him, and the undead eerily did not move.

With a languished slovenly posture, Jung Youngho walked neither too fast nor too slow in Eun HaNa's direction.

Eun HaNa didn't notice anything until he felt a presence on his head.

He snapped his eyes open, and saw that Jung Youngho had placed a hand on his hair and was ruffling it messily.

"Wha-" Eun HaNa couldn't help but exclaim, his confused expression the same as when he wondered why his ahjussi looked at him with despair and horror that day when the first scenario began.

"You're not leaving this time, kiddo." As if venting his grievance, Jung Youngho placed his other hand through Eun HaNa's dark locks and began to ruffle it with an increased intensity.

Eun HaNa resisted subconsciously, trying to pull his head away, but in the end, he was not able to evade.

"You haven't tried the new burger flavor yet. I haven't brought you to the amusement park either. Nor have I told you the secret to that magic trick." Jung Youngho tried to say these sentences nonchalantly, as if it was just another day of the week, but his voice held a tremor he could not hide, " haven't watched me rise to the top as the Legendary Magic King."

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