Chapter 40: Jade Crown of Silla (1)

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"Maybe there was an error on the site...I never made an account, so perhaps the system didn't register me as a viable 'viewer'?" I briskly went on, without input from Kim Dokja.

It wasn't like Kim Dokja's insinuations led to anything. I was just jumping to conclusions too early.

At this point, I knew I was making excuses, desperately trying to overcome the lurking truth.

Still, please let me hang onto this for a little longer.

Kim Dokja looked at me with eyes with a sliver of pity, but also of cold contempt.

"Whatever suits you." Kim Dokja shrugged.

"Right. What was your question again?" I tried to change the topic.

To my relief, Kim Dokja didn't pursue my janky defenses, and proceeded to repeat what he said.

"I asked what the 'final wall' that you were talking about is."

"The final wall, where stories of all rounds are written on it. The end of all scenarios. However..." I blanked out.

What was I about to say? I felt like I knew, but didn't quite remember either. And it was something very important.

My head throbbed.

"And?" Kim Dokja prodded, eager to know what I was about to say through that pause.

"Sorry, I can't remember." I furrowed my brows, fighting the ringing in my ears.

Why was the headache back again? I was getting through the conversation with Kim Dokja just fine, so why now?

However, it appeared Kim Dokja took my comment the wrong way.

Pondering my answer deeply, Kim Dokja frowned and shook his head a little helplessly.

"It's fine if you don't want to say. It just proves you're a cheater." Kim Dokja gave me a sly quirk of upturned lips.

Having torn open my fresh wounds, I burst out,

"No, I'm not!"

I've read the story, I'm not a cheater. I've read it all, and so have you, so why are you attacking me? I felt betrayed in an explicable way.

But as the words left my lips, I realized Kim Dokja was only provoking me.

"If you weren't a cheater, you wouldn't have mentioned a term that wasn't in the story, and furthermore, acting mysterious to give it weight. In fact, it doesn't even exist." Kim Dokja continued to pry by attempting to rile me up.

Wisely snapping my jaw shut, I refused to give him the satisfaction of successfully piercing through my defenses.

Coolly, I told him,

"I've already told you all I know. Whether you want to believe it or not, is up to you."

"Well-" Kim Dokja wanted to continue his assault, but Na Bori and Lee Jihye had walked back into the room, one with a scowl and the other with her hands on her hips.

"5 minutes are up, mister. Now get out." Na Bori rudely shoved her thumb in the direction of the exit over her shoulder.

[The constellations are complaining over incarnation 'Na Bori's' actions.]

[The constellation, Secretive Plotter, gives a knowing smirk. 200 coins are sponsored.]

[The constellation, Demon-like Judge of Fire, is wondering what the context of the censorship is.]

[The constellation, Lily Blooming in Aquarius, says they've just logged on and has no clue what's going on.]

[The constellation...]

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