Chapter 31: Jung Youngho (4)

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A/N: This chapter feels weird, ngl.

"Before I get to that, why are you standing there?" The man gestured to the space we were standing at.

For some reason, Na Bori looked ashamed of herself, blushing slightly in shame.

"'s because master told us to stand guard." Perhaps Na Bori was having a guilty conscience, because her words came out more softly.

But she was with me? I thought to myself, and then suddenly realized Na Bori abandoned her post to meet me.

That made me feel touched, and not at all felt like I had wronged Yoo Junghyuk.

The man then looked past Na Bori at the ticket gate for the station, a contemplative expression adorning his face.

And then his gaze rested on me.

"And she is...?" He asked.

Na Bori and Lee Jihye drew a protective stance around me, causing me to feel puzzled by their sudden hostility toward the unfamiliar man.

"She's a friend." Na Bori shuffled a bit closer.

"Hey, guys-" I wanted to ask them why they were being this wary toward the man.

"None of your business." Lee Jihye spat aggressively, her hand drawing her sword again.

The man backed down, raising his hands to show he was harmless.

But something about his smiling face looked like a scam.

"I am here to ask for help." A more serious expression showed on his face.


"Today, I will shatter Gong Pildu's party."

It was a confident statement, despite the calm way the man said it, as well as the neutral expression on his face.

The two beside me flinched, trying to study the man before them and discern the truth in his words.

"...Are you serious?" Lee Jihye spoke in disbelief.

"Who is to say you're not lying?" Na Bori looked at him distrustfully.

With an assessing gaze, Lee Jihye spoke coldly,

"You aren't enough. You won't be able to get rid of them."

"Even if you help me?"

Lee Jihye's head jerked at the challenge.

Na Bori touched her friend's shoulder.

If things went according to the original story, Lee Jihye, seeing the injustice of the system, as well as getting into trouble, tried to pick up the pieces of her pride and trauma at killing her friend.

Unfortunately, she was a weak, unblossomed talent at the time, and had no chance against Gong Pildu, one of the great ten evils.

If it wasn't for Yoo Junghyuk who had ulterior motives for Lee Jihye, she would have died.

But now, Na Bori is alive.

They were both stronger than before, and arrived in Chungmuro ahead of time, perhaps even before Gong Pildu established himself.

How different were things now that I had messed up the storyline?

Just like the countless other readers preying on the world with butterfly effects, how bad was mine?

"I have a way. I can do it if you help me." The man looked Na Bori and Lee Jihye in the eye.

"...Master told us to stand guard. Besides..." Na Bori started.

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