Chapter 36: Preparation (3)

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"So what is it that you requested an audience with me for?"

Three cups of tea were set down on a simple table. Naturally, Min Jiwon, the one who asked the question, was sitting at the head of the table.

"Yes. I'm sure that you have an idea that there are other kings beside yourself in Seoul?" I spoke as Jung Youngho sipped on the tea from beside me.

"Go on." Min Jiwon encouraged me to continue.

So I did.

"Therefore, I came here with intentions to sign a non-aggression pact not only between us, but a few other kings that I'll disclose later if you agree. After all, it's better to have allies than enemies. What do you think?"

Min Jiwon nodded her head, however, something about her smile was calculating. That could have been my personal conception, however, as Min Jiwon's expression was perfectly gentle.

"How about I make my own proposal instead?" Min Jiwon offered.

I felt like something difficult was coming.

"Sure." I replied calmly, even while feeling uneasy inside.

But how could an actor like Min Jiwon not catch the small facial cues? Well, even if she did, Min Jiwon didn't do anything.

Instead, she said,

"Seeing as you came to me first, it seems you've heard something about me. And, you came with the intention of asking for help in mind, yes?"

"Not exactly-" I wanted to correct her words, but Min Jiwon didn't let me.

"My proposal is this then. Let's merge our two clans. In this way, you can also have some protection under my rule, and this is also the result that you wanted, right?"

Drawn into Min Jiwon's charm for a moment, I considered the proposition seriously for a moment.

No, that's not it.

But just as I was about to retort, Jung Youngho smashed the cup onto the table hard, drawing our attention.

"Oy, fetch your attendant to get me more tea. Better yet, do you have any beer?" Jung Youngho's loud and obnoxious voice rang out through the room.

Why did he interrupt?

While I couldn't find a reason for Jung Youngho's sudden outburst, Jung Youngho continued to run his mouth,

"Man, too slow. Lady, you sure you're a competent ruler? Tsk, tsk, women these days."

What the f- are you saying?

[Constellation, Great King Heoncheon Hongdo Gyungmum agrees with his incarnation.]

[Constellation, Lady of the Brocade Sleep, is looking at Great King Heoncheon Hongdo Gyungmum with hostility.]

I stared at Jung Youngho with widened eyes and turned my head at lightning speed back to Min Jiwon.

Oh man.

Her face, still maintaining an elegant façade, looked like the most terrifying thing at the moment.

I had to stop this or we might fail.

"...Sir hero, I am giving you a warning-"

"Bah, stop with the Sir hero. I much prefer Sir Legendary Magic King." Jung Youngho cut Min Jiwon off, picking his ear with his finger.

Okay, that's it.

"Jung Youngho, leave." I looked at Jung Youngho with narrowed eyes, silently warning him.

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