Chapter 35: Preparation (2)

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I came to a decision quickly this time.

"So...what is your story with the first apostle?" Jung Youngho was the first to break the silence, poking a sore spot for the other three of us on the scene.

"Some things just happened, and simply put, they're our enemy." Jie Kushin looked at Jung Youngho with an unfriendly stare, not wanting to say anything more.

"Be more coherent." Jung Youngho snorted, giving out a strong command, like he was the boss of them.

Christina stuck her tongue out at Jung Youngho and even contemplated raising a middle finger, but decided against it, instead saying spikily, "None of your business."

Needless to say, the mood was delicate and it was the worst time to trigger Jie Kushin and Christina's ire.

At this time, I began to speak,

"Christina, Jie Kushin, could you tell the others that I'm leaving soon?"

This effectively took their attention away.

"You're leaving again? So soon?" Jie Kushin looked at me with surprise.

"Where are you going?" Christina asked.

I nodded to answer Jie Kushin's expression and spoke to answer Christina's,

"I'm planning to find the other kings from other stations to negotiate with them."

Jie Kushin was alarmed and exclaimed,

"Is that safe?"

I pointed to Jung Youngho still hanging around, listening in to the conversation and said, "Yes, this guy's more than enough."

Still, this drew skeptical gazes from Jie Kushin and Christina, who only saw Jung Youngho at his lowest, molding in a corner of the room and muttering to himself with a few screws loose back then.

"Right, you weren't there with me at the time. But he's actually stronger than me, and anyone in this station combined." I shook my head at their doubt.

"...Well, if you say so." Christina muttered, except her expression was anything but being convinced.

Jung Youngho felt something was off with how the conversation was going, but as he judged that he had listened enough, he was getting ready to leave without notice.

Not on my watch.

"Jung Youngho, you're coming with me." I called to him who was about to slip away.

He pointed to himself with his thumb quizzically.

"Me? You're daring to ask me to accompany you, b*t-"

"Yes, and I told you not to call me that." I spoke through gritted teeth, cutting him off before he could swear.

"Well, you can have fun with that by yourself, because I'm not going to let myself be ordered around by a brat like you." Jung Youngho crossed his arms with a cold glare.

He sounded just like Mrs. Wang.

Towards this, I only coldly laughed and spoke two words.

"[Help me]."

[You have used command [Help me] in accordance to the contract. Incarnation Jung Youngho has no choice but to help you.]

"Hah?" Jung Youngho looked at the notification popping out in-front of him in bitter confusion.

[Constellation, Great King Heoncheon Hongdo Gyungmum, is displeased with the situation, but relents his dissatisfaction.]

Did you really need to waste coins to show your reaction?

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